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Episode 13 ~ Morning Star

Episode 13 ~ Morning Star

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Camille leads Magnus, Alec, Izzy, Alisha, Clary and Simon into her apartment. Simon looks around. "I thought the underground parking was nice." He whispers to Clary and they all go into the study.

"Wow. You've got a lot of books." Alec says looking around, his hand still intertwined with Alishas.

"I've got a lot of time on my hands." Camille states. Someone walks up to her.

"Welcome home, Madame Belcourt." He says and she smiles. Simon and Clary start checking out books.

"This place creeps me out." Izzy states.

"Yeah. Let's check the perimeter." Alec suggests.

"Good idea. If I know Camille, she'll have a trick or three up her sleeve." Magnus states and Alisha nods. Izzy, Alec, Alisha and Magnus leave. Alisha, Magnus and Alec walk into a separate room. Alisha takes out her seraph blade, sensing somethings off. Suddenly, she hears Clary's voice. She uses her wolf hearing to see who she's talking to.

"Jace? Are you okay?" She hears Clary say.

"Where are you?" Jace's quiet voice fills Alishas ears.

"At Camille's apartment, Upper East Side. Alucard building, 13th floor." Clary says.

"You're in danger. Valentine's probably already on the way. You need to leave, now." Alishas heartbeat quickens and she makes a whining noise, startling Magnus and Alec.

"Are you okay?" Alec asks stepping forwards. She nods.

"Yeah, Jace called Clary. Valentine knows where we are." She says and Alec tenses.

"Well, let's make sure no ones here." Magnus says and notices Alishas worried expression. "Peanut we'll be okay." She smiles unsurely.

"I know." She whispers and they continue to look around.

Alisha steps away from Alec and Magnus after hearing a crash. Suddenly, a circle member walks out and strikes her. She luckily blocks her blow with her seraph blade. She tries to kick his legs so he falls to the floor but he kicks her first and pulls her into his hold. He snatches the blade out of her hand and holds his to her neck, making her squirm. Alisha looks around for Alec frantically but she sees their in the same situation. He looks at Alisha and then glares at the man holding her.

"Let her go." He says through gritted teeth but the circle member just laughs. They pull Magnus, Alec and Alisha through into the other room.

"And yet, I still have so much to teach you. I brought you here for a reason. Look, fight me, and watch your friends die." Valentine states and the circle member walk through with Alisha, Alec and Magnus. The hybrid sees Jace holding his blade at Valentine. She looks around and sees a lady with a large white book, which she can only assume is the Book of The White. "See, you are strong, but they make you weak." Valentine states and then looks at Alisha. "Ah, Alisha Lotova, I thought you were dead." He steps forwards making Alec squirm more, desperately trying to get to Alisha. "But it turns out I was wrong." Valentine goes to reach something in his pocket. Alisha follows his movements and she sees him pull out a small silver dagger. She squirms away from him making everyone look at the two confused. "So you are a hybrid." He places the dagger in her cheek making her freeze in place. Alisha flashes her werewolf eyes at him making him smirk evilly.

"Let us go. You can have the book. We won't be able to stop you without it."Valentine has turned around to Clary.

"Ah, Clarissa. So like your mother. Willing to do anything for those that you love. I'm touched, but... the book was never part of my plan. I want you to wake up your mother. I know that you'll both join me eventually." Clary looks disgusted. "It's fated." Valentine turns around to Jace. "You ready?" Jace looks at his friends and back at Valentine. Jace lowers his blade making Alisha frown.

"No." She whispers understanding what he's about to do.

"If I go with you, promise me you won't hurt them." Jace says.

"You have my word." Valentine states.

"No." Alisha repeats louder.

"This is insane." Clary states on the verge of crying.

"I'm sorry, Clary." Jace says.

"Jace, what are you doing? You can't be serious! Valentine is wrong. You're not like him. I'm not. You're not!" Clary's voice cracks slightly.

"You don't know that, Clary. You don't know that." Jace states.

"Let them go." Valentine says to his men. They release Alec, Izzy, Magnus and Simon. Simon immediately goes to Clary. Alec is about to go over to Alisha but the man keeps his hold on her. Valentine walks back over with a wicked grin, and he stabs her with the silver dagger in her side. She groans in pain as she feels the poison spreading.

"No!" Alec shouts and begins to walk forwards but the circle member rushes her to the portal. Jace looks at her worriedly.

"I'm fine." She winces but no one believes her. The man holding her tightens his grip on her neck.

"Get back, get back." Valentine opens a portal. "Alec, I mean it."

"No, I'm not letting you both go." Alisha struggles to get to Alec but she's too weak. 

"Jace. Alisha." Clary says and Alisha looks at her. The hybrids eyes become heavier and she gives Clary an apologetic look. Valentine's men go through the portal. Valentine takes Jace by his arm and they go through the portal after Alisha.

"I'm sorry Alec." Is the last thing she whispers before darkness consumes her.

Back in the room, Alec falls to his knees as Clary sobs into Magnus. Isabelle kneels beside her brother and they cry into each others shoulders. Magnus's phone begins to ring so he gives Clary to Simon. He sees it's Jason and frowns, wiping his tears.

"Magnus? Why won't Alisha answer her phone?" Jason asks through the phone.

"Valentine, he..." Alec looks at Magnus. "He has her. I'm sorry Jason, we couldn't do anything." There's a silence on the other end of the line.

"No, your lying. She's fine." Jason says brokenly.

"I wish I was Jason, I really do. I'm so sorry." Magnus says and Jason quickly and ends the call, not been able to speak.

Jason and Isaac sit in the institute, looking on the screen trying to find their sister and Jace. Alec stands with them, desperate to find his parabatai and the woman he loves, but nothing comes up.

"I just got a call from Luke, there's no trace of them." Clary says walking up to them. 

"Where are you?" Alec asks no one in particular.

Alisha lies on the cold floor as she thinks about what happened in the past hour. Her wound was healed by Valentine but since it was a silver dagger, there's still a scar. She uses her werewolf hearing to listen to Valentine outside.

"Join me, and my son! Pledge me your loyalty! Together, we can preserve our race and rid the world of the demons who plague it. You are the chosen ones. The new breed of Shadowhunters!" He shouts and she hears hundreds of cheers. She screams out, placing her hands on her ears trying to block out the sound. She thinks of anything else. Her mind trails to Alec as she thinks about everything she's put him through. The only thing that crosses her mind was that their love was defiantly impossible.

Impossible • ALEC LIGHTWOOD {book 1}Where stories live. Discover now