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Episode 8 ~ Bad Blood

Episode 8 ~ Bad Blood

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Turns out it wasn't a bit, it was around 30 minutes. Her pack mates didn't want to wake her as she looked so peaceful. The girl abruptly shoots her head up after hearing the door slam open. She looks at her brothers who are sitting beside her with small smiles on their faces after seeing their sisters shocked expression.

"Where's Gretel?" She asks them after not seeing her.

"Went home." Isaac states and Alisha looks up. She sees Alec standing beside an unfamiliar blonde shadowhunter. She yawns and stands up making the two shadowhunters look at her. Alec's eyes immediately catches the blood on her clothes and can t help but become worried.

"By the Angel are you okay?" He asks frantically and she nods.

"Healed." She states showing him where her wound was. He sighs in relief and Alisha turns to the woman. "Hi, I'm-"

"Alisha Lotova, heard all about you in Idris." She states and holds out her hand politely. Alisha smiles at her and shakes it.

"Not creepy at all." She laughs making the shadowhunters smile.

"I'm Lydia Branwell, envoy from the Clave." Alisha becomes very confused and looks at Alec for help.

"I don't know that there was an envoy coming?" She states and Lydia looks down.

"No one did." Alec states and walks over to the dead forsaken, the two females following. They look and see Jason and Isaac standing from afar. Luke goes over to the Shadowhunters.

"It's got some characteristics of a Forsaken. It was human. It was runed." Lydia states, bending down beside Alisha.

"I don't know. It was more focused, more determined. It attacked like it had a plan. Plus, a normal Forsaken wouldn't have been so hard to kill. It took four wolves to take that thing down. Never seen anything like it." Luke says and looks at the Lotova's.

"We'll take the body back to the Institute, do a full autopsy." Lydia states and stands up.

"I'll help bring it back." Alisha states, agreeing with Lydia.

"Oh, hold up. I get that I called you... Actually, I called Alec. But what I didn't want is someone to come down here and just take over." Luke says.

"Yeah, that's kind of her thing." Alec comments.

"Look, I know I can come across... abrasive. But we're all on the same side here. Can we agree on that? The Institute has the resources to find out what this thing is." Lydia states.

"We have an expert forensic pathologist. Highly trained in all the creatures of the Shadow World." Alec adds.

"Do you have one here? In this, uh, Chinese restaurant?" Lydia asks looking around.

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