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Episode 9 ~ Rise Up

Episode 9 ~ Rise Up

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★ ★ ★

Overtime, Simon becomes more hungry and steps away from the hybrid and shadowhunter.

"Clary, you do not understand how this is. I can hear your heartbeat. I can smell the blood in your veins. And I want it." Simon grunts and Alisha sits crossed legged on the floor, very bored. She doesn't panic much, she knows Simon would never hurt Clary even if he's mad at her.

"Simon, I would not blame you if you-" he cuts her off.

"What? Killed you? Don't you understand anything?" He questions.

"No, I don't. And I can't. But there has to be a way for you to stay in this world. Maybe what I did was wrong and selfish, but my heart was breaking. I thought I was strong. I thought I was a real Shadowhunter. Simon, when it comes to you, I am still just Clary Fray. You are still my best friend. I would rather you tear me apart than watch you die again, starving and angry-" she begins.

"Raphael!" Simon shouts loudly. Raphael walks up to the fence with a smirk on his face.

"You ready now?" He asks.

"Yes. Please!" Simon pleads.

"Here you go." Raphael takes a glass from the platter and hands it to Simon, who drinks the blood quickly.

"It's all about presentation and quality produce. You see, us vampires look after one another. We take care of our family." He states.

"Simon already has a family." Clary spits and Alisha stands up to calm the girl.

"Had a family. That's all gonna change now." He refills Simon's glass. "You're a Shadowhunter, he's a vamp. You two will never be equals. You'll have to learn that for yourself." Simon drinks another glass of blood Raphael has handed him. "Hasta luego."

After Raphael left, the three sit across from each other. Simon takes another sip of the blood making Alisha cringe slightly but she doesn't show it, not wanting to make Simon feel bad.

"How are you feeling now?" Clary asks

"I'm drinking blood, Clary." Simon states and Alishas phone chimes. She ignores the two and looks down.

Hey, we have a plan where are you and Clary? - Iz x

Hotel DuMort - Lisha x

Okay, we'll be there soon - Iz x

"At least you're a superior being. I'm a Downworlder." Alisha hears once she looks up. "Well, I don't wanna bite you anymore."

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