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Episode 6 ~ Of Men and Angels

Episode 6 ~ Of Men and Angels

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When Alisha, Jason and Isaac get back to the institute, they are immediately met with a middle aged woman with long dark brown hair. To Jason, the woman looks very familiar but he can't place it. Alec and Isabelle walk in a couple of minutes after the Lotova's walk in.

"Mother," Alec states and the three now know who this mystery woman is. "This is Jason, Alisha and Isaac." He points to the three who wear kind smiles.

"By the angel..." she sighs and steps forwards towards Jason and Isaac. "You both look so much like your father." They smile at the woman and she walks over to Alisha. "And you my dear, your just like your mother." Alisha feels tears begin to fall but the Lightwood mother wipes them quickly, giving her a warm smile.

"It's nice to meet you Miss." Isaac says as she steps away from his sister. The woman shakes her head.

"Call my Maryse, please." She says and the three nod. Alec and Isabelle watch with smiles on their faces, happy for their new friends.

"Of course, Maryse." Isaac smiles and she smiles.

"You used to come over to our house every Saturday with your kids." Jason blurts out making them all focus on him. Alisha frowns, trying to place the memory.

"How did you..." Maryse begins. "You were only a boy." She says.

"J..." Alisha says once she sees her older brother begin to cry. The werewolf never cries in front of his sister or his brother, he was always the strong one, much to their dismay.

"I'm fine." He wipes his tears and looks back at Maryse.

"If you don't mind, I want to know what happened..." she trails off and the three nod.

"Of course, Jason and I will tell you." Isaac says and Mayrse leads him and Jason to the office while Alisha stays behind with Alec and Izzy. Isabelle walks up to the girl and places her head on her shoulder.

"You okay?" She asks the hybrid who smiles.


Alisha and Alec are sitting opposite some screens whilst waiting for the Lotova brothers to finish talking with Maryse. He looks over at the hybrid every so often, making sure she's alright. Suddenly, her phone begins to ring and she quickly answers it.

"Clary? How's Luke?" She quickly asks her friend.

"He's not good, look, I know you need to stay at the institute but I really need you. You know how much Luke means to me and I can't-" Clary begins but Alisha cuts her off.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes Clary. I'll see you soon." She ends the call and looks over at Alec who nods at her to go.

"I'll tell your brothers where you are." He says and Alisha smiles.

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