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Episode 10 ~ This World Inverted

Episode 10 ~ This World Inverted

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At the party, Alisha watches Izzy make some funny faces in a mirror. She gives another girl a turn and walks over to Valentine, who is talking to a bunch of people. Alisha watches from afar.

"See, I was obsessed when I was a kid. Alice looked into the mirror and fell into another dimension. Well, it must have stuck with me, because, when I grew up, I looked into the internet and realized it needed another dimension." Valentine begins.

"And our 4D, breaking-the-speed-barrier internet was born." Izzy finishes.

"Says my talented developer." Valentine kisses Izzy's head. Izzy is taken aback and has some blush forming on her cheeks. Alisha decides to save the girl and walks over, grabbing her arm gently.

"I'm just gonna... I'm gonna." She pulls Izzy away so they're standing away from Valentine.

"People said I was mad, so..." Valentine puts the Mad Hatter's Hat on. "I owned it, hmm?"

"Could you be any weirder around my dad?" Alisha cringes at the word dad but covers it quickly.

"Whatever." She states just as her brother walks up. He holds out his hand and Alisha takes it.

"M'lady." He says making Alisha smile as he leads her to the dancing floor but they're stopped by Valentine. Alisha hides her head in her boyfriends jacket, prepared to become very embarrassed. "Mr. Morgenstern, lovely party." Alec greets.

"Yes well I should thank you for that. Lovely to see the man that makes my little girl so happy again." He smirks and Alec kisses her head.

"Hey dad, isn't that Clary and Jace? Why don't you go meet him?" She says and Valentine looks over at his daughter who is standing beside Jace.

"Good idea, I'll catch you later." He kisses Alishas head and walks off.

"Sooo..." Alec begins.

"Don't even start mister." Alisha scolds making him laugh and they begin to dance to the slow song that just turned on.

After a while of dancing, Alisha sees Magnus standing at the entrance. She looks at her sister who is dancing slowly. She groans knowing they both forgot to put Magnus's name on the list.

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