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Episode 13 ~ Morning Star

Episode 13 ~ Morning Star

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Alisha and Isabelle go to look through Camilles things whilst Clary and Simon go to find Camille. The hybrid and shadowhunter distract Raphael.

"So these are all of Camille's things?" Isabelle asks and Raphael nods. Alisha picks up a few things and examine them.

"All I could find. But she has hideouts all over the city." He says and Alisha picks up a dagger.

"Interesting." She states.

"I thought you were looking for a spell book." Raphael asks and the girls nod.

"We are." Izzy states.

"'We'?" He comes closer to Izzy and Alisha. "Where are your friends?" The girls look at each other with slightly worried glances. Raphael laughs. "Did you really think this stall tactic was going to work?"

"No..." Alisha begins, covering Izzy as she takes out her whip slowly.

"But we thought this would." Izzy finishes and she uses her whip but Raphael is too quick. He runs out of the way of the hit making her whip hit the floor with a slap.

"Typical Shadowhunters, always underestimating a vampire." Raphael laughs and Alisha growls. Izzy uses her whip again, but Raphael runs up the stairs. The girls look at each other.

"Well that went well." Alisha says and Izzy looks around.

"We need a new plan. What can we do?" Izzy asks and Alisha shrugs.

"What time is it?" She asks and Izzy takes out her phone.

"Nearly 6AM why?" Izzy says and then it hits her. "Sunlight." Alisha nods and they both run after Raphael. The hybrid catches their scent in one of the main rooms. The two stand outside the room and nod at each other. Alisha strikes the wall hard with her seraph blade just as Izzy uses her whip. Sunlight shines through the room making the vampires step away from Clary, Simon and Camille.  Alisha and Izzy walk through the hole in the wall.

"Seriously, guys?" Alisha asks as Izzy turns to Raphael.

"Typical vampire, always underestimating a Shadowhunter." She smirks when Raphael hisses. Izzy turns around.

"Adios." Alisha smiles and the group walk out of the room. They follow Camille into some tunnels beneath the Hotel.

"I think I'd have been better off just staying in the coffin." Camille states as they walk through the tunnel.

"But you didn't. We got you out." Clary says annoyed.

"Technically, We got you out." Izzy says and Clary turns to the girls.

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