Chapter 23: Behold! The Cultural festival is here!

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The classroom is currently at a war right now.

Because cultural festival is close, Aizawa told them that they will need to decide on what they want to do by the end of this class. And if they can't make up their mind, Aizawa will make them... well, have lesson for the whole day.

Currently, many of his classmates is still rising their hands up and shouting out their ideas.

"Hunted house!"

"Maid café!"

"Quiz game!"

"A performance!"

"A boobs-"

A loud slap was heard, followed by a pained cried from Mineta. Izuku didn't saw what happened behind him but he can more or less guessed that someone has make a move to shut Mineta up. Writing all the ideas down on the board, Yaoyorozu and Iida stare at the board for a while before deciding to erase out all the one that makes no sense or is inappropriate, much to some of their classmate's disappointment.

Turning her attention to Todoroki, Yaoyorozu gives him a knowing look and asked, "What about you, Todoroki-san? Do you have any suggestion?"

"Cosplay café." Todoroki immediately replied.

"I got a bad feeling about this..." both Izuku and Kaminari thought. This is the most powerful match matching god, Todoroki Shoto after all. So they can guess that they will probably end up in some embarrassing cosplay. And there's no escaping from it.

Sitting beside Kaminari, Jirou is quick to notice the sudden change in his mood. A few seconds ago, he was clearly excited about the school festival but right after Todoroki suggested 'cosplay café', Kaminari immediately went from 'yeah, it's going to be fun' to 'oh my god, please no'.

"Why do you look so down, Kaminari? I thought you're into this kind of stuff?" Jirou asked.

"Yeah, I like it but... I don't think I'm going to like what's going to happen next."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"Let's just say that I've developed a sixth sense for these kind of things." Kaminari smiled. However, the look in his eyes are somewhat dead and is clearly not smiling.

Soon the voting begin and as expected, many has voted for cosplay café. Everything is going according to what Todoroki's aiming for. What shocked some of them is the fact that there are some votes that came from the least expected people.

Katsuki voted for cosplay café for one reason. And that is to see Izuku cosplaying.

Kirishima voted for it because he believe that Kaminari's going to enjoy it.

Sero, Ashido and Yaoyorozu voted for it because this is Todoroki's plan and they are part of it too.

Mineta voted for it because he wants to see girls in some lewd cosplay (which is never going to happen).

"According to the result of the voting, we're going to do cosplay café." Yaoyorozu announced proudly. So far, everything is going according to Todoroki's plan. Well, it's not like it will go wrong to begin with since the shoujo mangaka has an insane amount of luck. Placing a hand on her chin, Yaoyorozu begin to think about what they are going to do for their cosplay café. "We can leave the menu planning to Sato, Bakugou and a few others. As for costumes... what should the waitress and waiters cosplay as?"

"Really? We're going to do cosplay café?" Jirou asked. It's not that she dislike the idea of doing a cosplay café. It's just that the thought of cosplaying is embarrassing.

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