Chapter 5: Fanfic and love confession

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It was a mistake...

The first fanfic Izuku read on his phone is about two boys who has been in love with each other for a long time. But due to some family reason, one of them have to move away and they didn't get to see each other for some years. At the end of the first chapter, Izuku can feel his heart breaking when the characters said goodbye to each other. Izuku almost cry when he imagine himself at such situation. The pain of unable to see and be with the one you love is unbearable.

In the next chapter, time flew by and when the boys finally meet again at a small café. They are both now adults and despite the huge change in their appearance, they manage to recognize each other. Izuku was overjoyed to see that they manage to see each other again but things take a weird turn when they left the café and went to a narrow alley and...


Izuku blushed at all the EXTREMELY DETAILED writing on the lewd acts the characters started to do and out of embarrassment, he left the website in a hurry. Izuku went from sitting on his bed to laying down on his stomach and buried his face into the pillow, screaming silently. "Why did you recommend such stories for me to read, Ashido-san—?!"

Although he only read a small part of it, he doesn't really understand it when the characters said something about master and slave play? And reward for giving a good behavior? This is definitely not the kind of 'reward' Izuku was expecting!

How did a heart breaking farewell lead to them doing erotic stuff in such a short amount of time- um, in less than three chapters! The pace of the story escalated so quickly that Izuku got dizzy from it when he tried to make sense out of it. On top of that, this story is freaking long as it has a total of 69 chapters! And it is still ongoing!

Looking at all the links Ashido has send to him... just how many is as weird as this one?

Izuku knew that it was a bad idea to go back reading but his curiosity got the better of him. Well, it won't hurt to give another story a quick read right? With an uneasy feeling inside him, Izuku tap on the second link and back into the website he goes.

The second story was a one shot about a boy and girl. They are already dating and the girl wanted to give her boyfriend a surprise on his birthday. So she brought a very sexy underwear and out it on. Halfway through the story... as expected, adult stuff happens. The characters was so loud and to be honest, Izuku was scared for them. He couldn't help but wish that the characters can lower down their voice so that nobody can HEARD them and go into their room to CHECK on them.

Gosh... Izuku seriously wish that he can wash his eyes with holy water right now.

He was starting to wonder kind of taste does Ashido has in fanfiction. Does all of her stories recommendation ends with the characters fuc- g-going at it like rabbits?!

Then again, the idea of wearing a sexy underwear... if Izuku were to wear it, would he be able to make Katsuki happy? Hm... let's not thinking about such thing for now.

Going to the website homepage, Izuku saw that there was a thing call 'tagging' and maybe with that, he can find some wholesome and sweet stories to read. Izuku look through the tags and he manage to find what he wanted and... goodness! There was so many stories for him to read! And he was glad to be able to find some fanfic which is short, fluffy and sweet.

Some are the writer's own original story and some are fanfiction of other anime, manga and games. For starting, Izuku can try to read the stories that is already complete. Hours went by and Izuku was so adsorbed into the stories that as soon as he finish reading one, he went to find another and start reading again.

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