Chapter 16: The Todoroki household

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When Fuyumi got back from the supermarket, the first thing she heard is the sound of a hammer hitting the nails into the wood. It's a sound she has heard before and she quickly make her way to the other side of the house. Just as she thought, her father is trying to seal up her youngest brother's window with wooden plank.

"Dad?! What are you doing?!" Fuyumi exclaimed in shock.

"Yesterday, Shoto jump out of the window again and that's extremely dangerous. So I'm trying to prevent him from injuring himself." Enji replied.

"This doesn't looks like how you would try to prevent someone from hurting themselves!" she internally retorted. While she knows that their father is a capable man, he can be rather protective of them. But he is extremely bad at showing them that he cares for them. His action and words is way too misleading, overdramatic and wrong so it's not surprising that the rest of her siblings misunderstood their father's intent.

In another words, her dad is hopeless.

(Meanwhile, inside Natsuo's room)

With his manga tools in his pockets and his sketchbook in hand, Todoroki leap out of the window and turn around to look at his older brother.

"Sorry to bother you when you're busy studying." Todoroki said.

Giving his younger brother a small smile, Natsuo waved goodbye at him. "It's fine. Hurry up and get going before that old man caught you."

Todoroki nodded and start to dash toward the house's main gate without turning back. Perhaps he was a little bit too careless and it seems like his shitty dad 'somehow' saw him. Behind him, Todoroki can hear his dad's loud voice screaming at him but he didn't stop running.

"Shoto! Where are you going?! SHOOOOOTO—!!"

Enji watches with his mouth hang open in shock as his son's back view got further and further away until he can no longer see him. Today too, he failed to stop his son from doing crazy things. Should he chase after him? Over the years, Shoto has gotten better and better at hiding and running from him so it won't be easy for him to find his son once he lost sight of him.

"Dad, I'll try to contact him later so don't worry. And also, it's almost time for you to head out for work so..."

Knowing what his daughter wanted to say, Enji let out a sigh and begin to walk away. "Tell him to get back safety."

"Okay." Fuyumi nodded.


(Night time, after work...)

Being a working adult gives you less time to have time to hang out with friends. But if you're working at the same area with your friend, hanging out after work is no problem. Drinking in a small bar and complaining about life, work and other things is totally normal for adults like him.

So today as usual, Takami will be drinking with Enji and listening to him complaining about some stuff. They may not be working in the same place but the building they are working at is just right next to each other. So they can easily meet up for a small chat.

Pouring the sake into his cup, Takami took a small sip and laugh softly. "Today you're looking as gloomy as usual, is it about your youngest son again?"

Enji took a big gulp of his beer and slam the glass down on the table. His face is a little red but he's still sober.

"Two days ago, I caught him picking the lock and ran out of the house. Yesterday, he jump out of the window and this morning he left the house by jumping out of his brother's window. Really, he's always doing all those crazy and dangerous things without thinking about his own safety." Enji said.

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