Chapter 21: I'll give you my everything (smut)

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Kaminari was nervous.

Like, really nervous right now.

While he knows how sex between two guys work, he's still a virgin and it's the same for Kirishima! They are going to be giving away their first time away to each other so it's normal for him to be nervous right?!

Oh shit, what if he couldn't get Kirishima's 'son' to stand up? Crap, he's starting to lose confident in himself just by thinking about it. But he already told Kirishima that he'll do everything so... he need to get a hold of himself and do it properly.

Alright, before they can fuck, Kaminari would need to do something to get Kirishima excited. And according to one of the ero game he played before, a blow job is a good way to start.

Straddling Kirishima's lap, Kaminari took his shirt off and toss it at the floor without a care. Seeing how Kirishima's full attention is now on him, Kaminari blushed a little from the way he's looking at him. He knows that he's not as muscular as Kirishima but must he stare at him like that?

"W-what?" Kaminari stuttered.

"Nothing, I was just thinking that you've a very smooth skin and how pretty it is." Kirishima said.

Kaminari internally screamed like some weird fangirl. He hate and love how such simple words from Kirishima can make him so happy.

"I could say the same thing about you too." Kaminari thought as his blush darken. He placed a hand on Kirishima's abdomen, feeling those manly and muscular abs. Muscular or not, it was the Kirishima's kindness and smile that makes Kaminari fall for him. A guy who is too nice for his own good and put others in front of himself... where in the world can you find another guy like that?

He may not be smart like Izuku or talented like Katsuki, but he sure did have a very good luck in getting the best boyfriend. In a way, he was truly blessed.

"Alright, I'll start by testing his reaction first." Kaminari thought. In a very slow and teasing movement, he slowly move his hand down from Kirishima's abdomen to his dick.

"Ka- Kaminari?" Kirishima flinched when he felt Kaminari's hand on his clothed private part. But when he saw how Kaminari's hands is shaking a little, Kirishima remembered that this is their first time. Even if Kaminari knows about these things, this is still his first time and he's clearly trying his best here even though he's nervous about it. Honestly, Kirishima feels bad for leaving Kaminari to do all the work.

Without giving Kirishima any warning, Kaminari start to take his belt off and then drop it onto the floor. Looking up, he can see how Kirishima was blushing from embarrassment.

"Are... you okay?" Kaminari asked.

"Y-yes, I'm fine. It's just that... I guess it's a little embarrassing after all. Just keep going." Kirishima replied.

"Is he talking about how embarrassing it is to be naked in front of me?" Kaminari thought. Hooking his thumb underneath the waistband, Kaminari pull his pants and underwear down in one go. He can understand Kirishima's embarrassment but sooner or later, they are going to be naked anyway. But if him being naked first can make Kirishima relax, then he'll gladly strip away all of his remaining clothing.

Seeing how Kaminari is now completely bare in front of him, Kirishima's turns even redder. But at least, he's blushing for a different reason now.

Kaminari grab onto his pants and Kirishima help him to make it easier to remove by rising his hip a little. Kaminari widen his eyes when he saw Kirishima's cock. Now that he has a close up look, he can see that it was... big...

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