Chapter 11: Monoma the mangaka

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Lately, Shinso begin to notice that someone has been following him around secretly and is watching him. It started last year and he thought it was his imagination but it seems like he was wrong about it. He guessed that this unknown stalker must be a student in this school before he can feel those 'eyes' on him even when he was talking to a classmate.

On the way to the canteen, he ran into Izuku and Kaminari, who is carrying breads and drinks in their arms.

As soon as Izuku noticed him, he smiled and wave at him. "Hello, Hitoshi-kun."

"Oh, the guy Midoriya and Bakugou fought against in the sport festival last year." Kaminari said.

"Ah, hello." Shinso greeted back. While they are not really close to each other due to the fact that they are from different class, he'd still chat with each other whenever they have the chance. It's his way of getting to know them better. But right now, he couldn't really get into the mood to talk.

"What's wrong? You seems to be troubled by something." Izuku said.

Shinso scratched the back of his head. To be honest, he wasn't sure if this is something he should be telling them. There's no telling what the stalker might do if he were to tell Izuku and Kaminari about it.

"No, it's nothing serious-"

"Midoriya! There's a cockroach beside your feet!" Kaminari exclaimed, cutting Shinso off midsentence.

Izuku trailed his gaze down to the floor and all colors was drained from his face as he stare at the little 'black thing' in pure horror. Shinso wasn't afraid of cockroach but when Izuku lift up a leg and stomp on it with a force that even left a freaking dent on the floor, he knew that there's someone he might need to be afraid of.

And on a second thought, maybe it will be fine if he were to tell them about the stalker. Because this cinnamon roll is 'probably' deadlier than the stalker and he can 'probably' defend himself just fine.

"Holy shit! Just how much strength did you put into your leg?!" Kaminari retorted.

"I-I just... did it without thinking..." Izuku muttered. Turning up to look at Shinso, he gives an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Hitoshi-kun. What are you saying again?"

"...To tell the truth, there's someone stalking me." Shinso said.

Both Izuku and Kaminari was stunned when they heard that. Turning their back on Shinso, they begin to whisper to each other in a very secretive way.

"Do you think it was Todoroki?" Kaminari asked.

"Well... Todoroki-kun is probably the one who would does these kind of things. He doesn't meant any ill intention but still..." Izuku whispered back.

Turning back to face Shinso, Kaminari asked. "Are you interested in someone in a romantic way?"

"No, I don't. Why are you guys asking me that?"

"If Hitoshi-kun doesn't has romantic feelings for anyone, then it couldn't be Todoroki-kun." Izuku mumbled softly.

"I see." Kaminari nodded in understanding way and dig into his pocket with his free hand, pulling out a stun gun. "It's a dangerous world out there after all. So don't need to feel shy about it and take it, I'm lending it to you."

"No, I'm not feeling shy. Or rather, how did you manage to get your hands on such thing? And why are you carrying it with you like there was nothing wrong with it?" Shinso lightly retorted. Seriously, what's wrong with them? Does every innocent, friendly and cheerful students from Class A has a weird side to them?

"You'll get used to it one day, Hitoshi-kun..." Izuku thought.


Hiding behind the wall, Kendo let out a sigh as she drag an unconscious Monoma behind her while the nearby students is watching them with a stunned look. Really, she wasn't paid enough to deal with these kind of things.

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