Chapter 3: A man to man talk

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Meanwhile, at the school rooftop...

"Lately, I can't seem to be able to take my eyes off Kaminari."

And that was the first thing Kirishima said to Katsuki as soon as they went to the roof to have their 'man-to-man' talk.

"This is fucking stupid, I'm going back." Katsuki said as he turns around.

Kirishima immediately grab onto Katsuki's shoulder, stopping him from leaving. "Wait, Bakugou! This is a serious matter to me!"

"Which part of it is a serious matter? That fucking Pik*chu is always causing trouble the moment someone takes their eyes off him. It's totally normal for anyone to feel that they need to keep an eye on him!"

"That may be true but lately, I've been thinking that he's cute and I can't take my mind off him!"

"Hah?" Katsuki blinked as he stare at Kirishima, who just revel a one hell of a- well, something really unexpected. Katsuki knows that Kaminari has a crush on this shitty hair. But to think that Kirishima would start to develop a crush on Kaminari too...

That's really something. Both of them are now crushing on each other without knowing that the one they are crushing on has fallen for him and vice versas.

Seeing that Katsuki is now giving him his full attention, Kirishima continues on. "It's like whatever Kaminari is doing, I find it cute. For example, the way he tries not to doze off in class, when he sneezed and when he-"

"Fucking gross! I don't want to hear all that shit so just get to the main point!"

"I- well, I mean, we're just friends and it's not normal for me to think that my friends is cute right?"

Katsuki remain silent as he thought about what Kirishima just said. Somehow, this reminds Katsuki of the time where he realized that he's crushing on Izuku for the first time. As someone who has never been in love back then, such emotions and thoughts is really confusing to him. He couldn't understand why his mind is filled with Izuku. He couldn't understand why he can't take his eyes off from everything Izuku's doing. And he couldn't understand why he get so pissed and angry when Izuku's with someone else.

After a year of having such confusing feelings, Katsuki finally figure out that this is 'love'. Although the funny thing is that Izuku is also in love with him and he doesn't even notice that.

"When you can't take your mind off one person and keep having thoughts like 'he's cute' or 'I want to be with him', it means that you're fucking in love." Katsuki replied.

Kirishima stare at Katsuki in surprise as if the thought of being in love with someone has never once crossed his mind. Either way, Kirishima should count himself lucky. Because Katsuki knows how shitty it feels like when the person you like also has feelings for you and you didn't even know it. To Katsuki, it's like going around in circle until someone finally step in to 'help'. He seriously doesn't want to deal with all these 'pinning-and-crushing-on-each-other-for-years' shit again so he'll do Kirishima a huge favour.

"And fucking congratulate, shitty hair. You may not notice it but that fucking dunce face has been crushing on you for a while. So you can just go and fucking confess already." Katsuki said.

"What? Kaminari like me? There's no way that I'm Kaminari's type. He said he likes guys with six pack."

"...Is this guy fucking for real?" Katsuki thought with an annoyed look. He told Kirishima about how Kaminari has feelings for him and he doesn't believe it? Fuck, after seeing how Kirishima can be so fucking dense, Katsuki can feel a headache coming. Alright, he's done with this shit.

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