Chapter 25: The result of pulling an all-nighter

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A/N: As I'm writing, the chapter starts to become very long so I decide to split it into another chapter. So chapter 26 will be the last chapter for this series.


The battle with the fallen God has been a tough and exhausting fight. While they did won the battle, they didn't come out of the fight unscratched. In fact, both Miya and Kaito is badly injured. It took them a month to fully recover even with the help of the best healer in the town.

Sitting under the tree as the wind gently blows, Miya quietly enjoy the beautiful scenery of the peaceful town. She didn't even turn around when she senses Kaito's presence near her.

"During the battle, there was a time where I thought all hope was lost and was on the verge of giving up but... I'm really glad that you're with me that time. Because of your words, I'm able to keep pushing myself forward and protect this town." Miya said, keeping her gaze at the town. Then, she finally turns around and smile at her partner. "Thank you for being with me, Kaito."

"Tch, there's no need for you to thank me. We're going to be stuck together for the rest of our lives whether you like it or not." Kaito said, sitting down right next to Miya. The two of them didn't said another word as they simply view the scenery together. To be able to get some peacefulness and rest is rare for them so they need to use this chance to rest up properly.

Then, Kaito took out a beautiful bluish white flower that seems to be glowing softly and put it in Miya's hair. "Here, take it."

"This is...?" Miya reach out to touch the flower. With her vast knowledge, she immediately recognizes what kind of flower it is and beamed. "The moonlight flower! Come to think about it, the people of this country give this to the person they like as a way of proposing to them."

'Yeah. That's why I'm giving it to you."

"I see." Miya hummed. Slowly, Kaito's words sink in and she stare at him with her eyes wide open in shock while blushing heavily. "Eh?! K-Kaito, y-you...! A-are you saying that you want t-to...! With me...?!"

"When we finally reach the end of our journey, I'll get my hands of the best house where we can live together for the rest of our lives." Kaito said, looking at Miya with a serious and determined expression. "And I'm not taking a 'no' as your answer, you fucking hear me."

"T-together with m-me...! T-that's...!" Miya stuttered over her words. Unable to form proper sentence, she can only stare at Kaito as her mind continue to going around in an endless loop that her most trusted partner, her friend, just proposed to her.

Grabbing his sword, Kaito stands up and begin to walk away. "Anyway, we'll be leaving soon so don't stay out here too long."

While Miya is still shocked by what just happened, for a moment, she thinks she saw that Kaito's ears is a little red. Could it be her imagination? Either way, what is Kaito thinking?! P-proposing to her out of nowhere like that!

Burying her face into her hands, Miya was left with a mixture feelings. It's not that she doesn't has feelings for Kaito. In fact, she just realized her feelings recently. For Kaito to propose to her at this timing... is a little troubling (in both good and bad way).

"Kaito, you idiot..." Miya muttered under her breath.


Each time Izuku finish inking a panel, his face would turn redder. Now that he knows Miya is based on him, any romantic-related scene with her and Kaito makes him feel very... embarrassed. In a way, they are basically drawing their 'fiction' love life for everyone to see and read. As expected of Katsuki, he's capable of drawing it with a straight face like it's a normal thing to do.

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