Special Chapter: Halloween

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A/N: You might find it weird and confusing at first but when you reach the end, you'll have your answer.


Green eyes stare at the night sky in confusion. The full moon was emitting a soft reddish glow and it was kind of eerie. Looking at his clothing, Izuku saw that he was wearing a white rode with the word 'ghost' written on it. And in his hand, is a lantern... no, a Jack o'lantern. All around him is spooky looking trees and if he were to listen closely, he can hear some creepy music playing.

"'Where am I? Why am I dressed like this?'... Is that what you wanted to ask?" a female voice said.

Izuku turn around to face a strange lady wearing a black hood with cat ears. Due to the hood, only the bottom half of her face is visible. Izuku stare at her as she continue to read the book she's holding.

"Who are you?" Izuku asked.

"This is a bizarre world, a dreamland, a special story that only appear once a year." She continues, not answering Izuku's question. Looking up from her book, she smiled at him. "And your role today is to find your way out of this world."

"Sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say."

"What you see here... can be the truth or lies. Make-" She suddenly paused. She flip to another page, stare at it for a few seconds before turn it back to the previous page and gesture towards the dark path behind her. "Make your way through this path, don't keep the readers waiting. Hurry up and start the story."

"Is that book a script?" Izuku thought. Either way, this lady is giving him no room for protests and... well, she seems to be a little crazy in the head. Her words are strange and weird. But if Izuku want answers, he'll have to do as she said. Lifting the Jack o'lantern higher, he went pass the lady and down the path, letting the lights from the lantern to illumine the way.

After a few minutes of walking, Izuku found himself arriving at a place where many beautiful flowers has bloomed. And in the middle of those flowers, someone was break dancing- wait, huh?

From the back view, that 'person' has fairy-like wings and pointed ears, wearing a white sleeveless dress. She has a messy short pink hair but what surprise him the most is how her skin is also pink. Noticing his presence, the 'creature' turn around and Izuku widen his eyes in shock when he realized who that person is.

"ASHIDO-SAN?!" Izuku exclaimed.

Ashido blinked and tilted her head, making a confused expression. "How do you know my name?"

"Eh? T-that's..." Izuku trailed off, unsure of what he should say or think. This person is Ashido, his fellow classmate and friend right? But she doesn't seems to remember him and that's weird.

A light bulb lights up inside her head and Ashido beamed. Flapping those wings, Ashido flew over to Izuku's side. "Ah, I got it! You must be one of my fans! Hey, do you want to watch my latest dancing move?"

"I-I'm very sorry. I'm a little busy right now."

"Aw, that's too bad."

"Um, I want to leave this place... or should I say this world? Do you know any way?"

Ashido hummed thoughtfully. She tried to think but quickly give up when nothing came to mind. "Sorry, I don't know. But if you go pass that door on the left, you might be able to find some useful hints."

Turning to the left, Izuku was stunned to see a plain door with glass window. He was very sure that there wasn't any door over there just now but... guess logic exist nowhere in this world when it's full of magical stuff.

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