Chapter 6: To the onsen

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After his phone died, Izuku went to charge it before going to his computer and return back to the website. Apparently... fans shipped Miya with a lot of characters and Izuku only find out about this now. There's this thing call 'Miyabowl' where Miya has a harem for herself! A freaking harem!

Oh boy, is Katsuki found out about this, he's going to explode from rage!

But then again, not everyone share the same shipping view. Some of the fans may see Kaito and Miya as the best couple and a few others might see that Miya with another character is better and probably more interesting.

Kaito and Miya is fated to be together at the end of Lost Paradise. So for those who shipped Miya or Kaito with other characters... they are probably going to be upset by it. Maybe this is why fanfiction, fanart and doujinshi exist.

Because their favorite paring isn't going to become 'cannon', that's why there are people writing fanfic, reading fanfic and making fanart in order to satisfied their 'thirst' for their ship.

Scrolling down, Izuku found a one shot 'smut' collection where Miya's with all male characters. Clicking on it out of curiosity was another huge mistake as Izuku later found out that the word 'smut' is the same as 'lemon'. Why is the fans using so many words for fanfic that has adult stuff? This is really confusing!

Wanting to wash away what he just saw, Izuku went to search for the author named 'Cellophane' and thankfully, he quickly found it in the ranking page. Izuku doesn't understand how this ranking thing works because looking at the number of views Cellophane's fanfic has, shouldn't he be in the top 3 or something? Why is Cellophane ranked 10th instead?

Oh well, time to give this author's fanfic a read.

(2 hours later...)

When a fanfic author has written many fanfic and all of them are equally interesting, Izuku finally understand how it feels like to be craving for more stories to read from a favorite author.

Every single one of the fanfic that was written by Cellophane (and beta by Creati) was awesome and Izuku was upset to see that the newest fanfic ended with a freaking cliffhanger. However, a true fan will always wait for the update no matter how many years it take. Authors are human too and they got a life outside of fanfic and fandom too.

On a side note, Izuku also found out what 'AU' means. While Lost Paradise takes place in at fantasy world, it was interesting to see fanfic with the same characters in a school setting. There are a few more other AU like zombie apocalypse, mafia, mermaid and demons. Oh, Izuku saw an AU where Miya is a Shinigami and Katsuki is a human who can see ghost. One day they met and- hold on... isn't this Ble*ch?

To Izuku, AU is really fun to read. It's amazing to see so many different stories and setting about the same characters. For example, Miya is a pure and sweet character but in the world of fanfic, the writers can turn her into a guy, demon, elf, fairy, queen, maid, teacher, ghost, dancer, mermaid, idol, succubus, villain and many other kinds of things. There are some other weird things but let's not get into detail on those.

Anyway, since Izuku's still in the mood to read and he can't be sitting here, staring at the screen and praying that the author would update now. So it's time to go and search for more fanfic to read.

Time went by and Izuku keep drowning himself in fluff, tooth rotting fluff, fluff and more fluff. Izuku just couldn't get enough of all those wholesome and cute fanfic. They are all so sweet and if Izuku wasn't dating Katsuki, he'd feel so damn envious of the characters.

While fluffy fanfic is like gold, Izuku decided that he'd need a change of pace so that he doesn't get tired of reading fluff. Going from fluff to comedy, adventure, mystery, angst and then back to fluff again. He was having a blast with all those fanfictions!

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