𝐃é𝐣à 𝐯𝐮 (𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝)

985 9 8

A/N- sorry if I become more inconsistent with posting, I went back to school on Monday and I don't have as much time, but I will try to post as often as possible <3

Tom's girlfriend in this chapter is called Sophia. This character will only be in this chapter!

You decided to go shopping in your local shopping centre.

You and Tom had broken up about 2 weeks ago and you still weren't over it, so you decided to treat yourself.

While you were walking around, you saw Tom holding hands with his new girlfriend.

You turned your head towards them and noticed Sophia staring directly at you.

'She must have seen photos of me' you thought to yourself.

Something in your head possessed you to walk over to Tom and his new girlfriend to talk to them.

You saw Sophia wearing Tom's hoodie, one that you had worn before.

'She thinks it's special,
But it's all reused.'

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" Tom asked nervously when you approached him.

"I'm just shopping for some new clothes." You reply casually.

Your blood starts to boil when you see Sophia begin to whisper to Tom.

"Is there something wrong?" You ask her sarcastically.

Sophia looks you up and down and rolls her eyes.

'What a bitch' you say in your head.

"Do you get déjà vu when she's with you?" You ask Tom in a soft voice.

"What was that?" Tom asks you politely, honestly not hearing what you said.

"Do you get déjà vu?" You ask again, a little louder this time.

"Can we not do this right now?" Tom asks.

You can see Sophia begin to get more annoyed, but something in your enjoys that, so you keep speaking to Tom.

"A little." Tom whispers to you.

"I miss you Tom, but I hope you have a good time with Sophia. She seems nice." You lie.

Sophia walks up to you and pours her coffee all over your outfit.

"BITCH!" You scream at her.

You turn to look at Tom and see that he looks even angrier than you.

"Don't you dare do that Sophia. I'm not even in love with you. We're over." Tom yells at her.

She rolls her eyes and storms off.

Tom turns back to you, "y/n, I'm so sorry, if there was anything I could do to get you back, I would do it." Tom begs to you.

"You want me back? Then prove it." You say to him with an unintentional smirk.

Tom stands on a group of chairs and gets the attention of all of the people in the shopping centre.

"Hello everyone, I'm Tom Holland and I just want to say that this amazing, beautiful girl stood next to me deserves everything good in this world. I was stupid enough to let her go and that was the stupidest thing I have ever done, and trust me, I can be pretty stupid. I want to prove to her that I still love her." Tom turns to look at you.

"So y/n, if you will ever take me back, would you maybe want to be my girlfriend?" He asks you.

You nod at Tom with a smile as you laugh at him step off of the chairs.

Tom pulls your hands from your sides and spins you round so that he is holding you in his arms.

"That was dramatic." You laugh.

"Well I'm an actor darling." Tom smirks and then smashes his lips against yours, confessing his love for you in front of the whole of the shopping centre.

You may have coffee spilled down your outfit, but at least you had the love of your life back.

𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now