𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐭 (𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝)

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A/N- requested by: QuaksonHolland13

Tom held onto your hand as you arrived at the red carpet event. He could sense you were nervous when you took a deep breath in to calm your nerves. "you look absolutely beautiful, darling." Tom tells you with a smile on his face. "thank you." you smile back at him. "you look amazing."

The door to the car gets opened and when you see what's on the other side, you are amazed. All the cameras flashing were a little overwhelming, but it all looked like an amazing experience. You had been to a red carpet event with Tom before, for his movies: Spiderman homecoming and Spiderman far from home, but this time many more people from the marvel cast were here.

As you near some of the cast you had met before, your face lit up and your eyes widened in happiness. "omg y/n, it's so good to see you again!" Scarlett says aloud as she approaches you. She pulls you into a tight embrace and you relax for a moment as she hugs you. "it's so nice to see you." you reply with the same happiness across your face.

Scarlett walked over to Tom to say hi to him as you strode over towards Zendaya. She looked amazing, as always of course. You were closer with Zendaya because you had the chance to see her more as she was in the Spiderman movies with Tom. You could actually say you and her were pretty close.

"you look stunning!" Zendaya says to you as she looks at your dress in awe. "and the same for you Z, you look amazing."

You watched at what Tom was doing and it looked as if he was being swept away by a journalist for some questions. As you watched him answer questions for a moment, it felt as if the whole world around you had stopped. You were so proud of Tom and how far he had come in his acting career and you were also blown away by how amazing he looked.

'come here.' he gestured to you as he caught you staring at him. You snapped out of your daze and walked over to Tom, Zendaya had already wandered off, she was probably looking for someone you thought.

"ooo and who is this you have here tonight?" the interviewer asked as tom pulled you a little closer towards him.

"This is my girlfriend y/n and she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her because she has helped me so much." Tom looked at you and for a moment you lock eyes, before the interviewer cuts in. "oh that's absolutely lovely!" she said with a large grin on her face.

Tom takes your hand in his and pulls you away before he has to answer any more questions. "am I really the best thing that has ever happened to you?" you ask Tom, a red blush slightly beginning to appear on your face as you ask.

"of course you are my love. Darling, you are the most amazing person I've ever met in my entire life. There is no greater feeling than being with you. I love you." Tom whispers the last sentence in your ear and then places a soft kiss on your cheek, making your cheeks become even more red.

"Come on," Tom adds. "let's get the photos done." he pulls you beside him again as the two of you walk towards the large crowd of people stood in front of a red carpet. There were already celebrities on the red carpet having their photos taken, you recognised a few which made your heart pump a little faster from the excitement.

Tom walked you to the side of the carpet, where a few other people you did recognise stood. There was Zendaya again who was stood beside Scarlett. 'They must have stuck together' you thought to yourself. You could see Chris Hemsworth a little in the distance having a photo taken by himself and in the crowd you saw Elizabeth Olsen.

There were so many people here that you admired and it was such an amazing experience. When you looked straight ahead, you saw a man with the back of his head to you, but the second you placed your eyes on him you knew who it was. "Robert Downey Jr!" You mumble excitedly to Tom. you had met Robert once before, but it wasn't exactly a 'meet' it was more of a glance. You caught sight of him outside a previous red carpet event and he had smiled at you.

He turned around when you had whispered to Tom which made you think that he might have heard you. "hey," Robert began. "y/n, isn't it?"

He knows my name! He knows my name! Robert Downey Jr knows my name! you repeated in your head, but in reality, you tried to stay as calm and collected as possible.

"yes and it's lovely to meet you! I'm such a big fan!" You had told yourself to stay calm and collected, but your words were just falling out of your mouth like water running down a waterfall.

"The pleasure is mine." He says to you, smiling at the excitement on your face.

You follow everyone as they walk towards the red carpet. Scarlett had walked on first and you could hear her name being called by many photographers at once. which, you thought, must have been very overwhelming, along with the bright flashes. Zendaya followed after and then and after a moment, you and Tom were stood together on the red carpet. completely exposed to the cameras.

"Who is the girl you're with?" A voice called, you couldn't quite place who had said it, but the fact that Tom had started answering, led you to believe the question was for him.

"She is my girlfriend. y/n is her name." Tom told them.

You heard as your name was called repeatedly. "you look amazing y/n!" "look at the camera for a photo!" "move closer towards Tom."

You did as they all said and though it was a strange experience, being shouted at, you loved being photographed beside Tom.

"can we get one with all of you?" One woman asked politely.

You turned to look behind you and saw who the woman was asking about. Zendaya, Scarlett and Robert. "of course!" Robert said, more than happy to get the photo.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and you realised it was Roberts.

stay calm. stay calm. stay calm.

Zendaya stood beside you and Scarlett stood beside Tom. The 5 of you stood in a group and smiled brightly as the cameras flashed. "Thank you so much!" The same woman who had asked for the photo called to you all.

All of you walked off of the carpet and away from the photos. "you were amazing." Tom whispered to you. "you are amazing. Thank you for coming with me tonight."

"I'm glad I came, I love it here!" You tell him.

"I love having you here." Tom places a quick kiss on your lips and then pulls away with a smile.

"come on y/n, lets go get drinks." Zendaya calls to you. You turn towards her and then walk towards her. "lets go." you say, Tom following behind you.

"I love you." Tom breathed against your ear as he wraps his arms around your was it from behind.

"I love you too." you reply and then meet his lips with yours, pulling Tom into a kiss, not caring about anything around you because in this moment, all you cared about was Tom and all he cared about was you.

A/N- This is like a bonus chapter <3

𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now