𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧 (𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝)

753 6 0

Your POV

I walked to school, the rain heavily pouring down over me.

The t-shirt and jeans I was wearing were now fully soaked.

"Oh shit." I cursed at myself after looking down at my outfit, seeing how wet I actually was.

I made it to the front gates of my school. I was a little late and I could see that people were already sat in their classes.

I began to pick up my pace to make sure I wasn't too late.

I stumble into my first lesson, everyone was staring at me.

My hair was wet, my clothes were wet and worst of all my shoes were drenched so my socks were wet too.

There was only one empty seat, so I strode over to it, dripping water all over the floor.

I was shivering a lot as I sat down and the person next to me looked a little concerned.

When the person next to me looked over at me I became a little nervous. He was gorgeous.

I didn't remember having any classes with him. Maybe he was new.

"Hey I'm Tom." The boy says to me as he sees me staring at him.

"Sorry for staring," I say, "I just haven't seen you around before. I'm y/n."

"Yeah I'm new here, but it's lovely to meet you y/n." He replies with a welcoming smile.

We both look away for a moment and then I see him look back at me.

"Would you like my hoodie, you look freezing?" He asks politely.

I feel a blush coming on, but try not to show it. "You don't have to Tom." I say, hoping he offers again.

Luckily he did, "no I Insist." He says.

Tom takes his hoodie off and respectfully puts it on my shoulders.

I smile at him. How could a man this gorgeous be this kind.

"Thank you so much Tom." I happily exclaim to him.

Me and Tom sit there in silence for a moment. I really wanted to say something but I wasn't sure on what to say.

"Hey this will sound a little weird because we just met, but could I maybe get your number?" Tom asked after a few moments of silence.

"Yes of course you can!" I reply as I take out my phone from my pocket and then read him out my number.

"Thank you y/n." He says and then puts his phone in his pocket.

"You know I was really nervous when I first came here. I didn't know anyone, that's why I was sat on my own and then I saw you. Thank you for sitting next to me." He tells me.

"I'm sure many people in this school will like you Tom. You're so kind." I say and then the bell rings, interrupting our conversations.

"I'll see you around y/n." Tom says.

"Yeah I'll see you." I reply and then leave to go to my next lesson.

𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now