Chapter Thirty Four

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The way you smile gives me butterflies


Asad's P.O.V.

I had managed to pack Zoya's stuff,  ofcourse after putting a band aid on my finger by myself, since Zoya had decided to follow the doctor's order.
Indeed karma is a bitch.
Tit for Tat is only a fair game when you say that to someone else.
But when it's directed towards yourself, you can't do anything else other than just being quite and accept the loss.

The loud crash of thunder drew a loud, fear-stricken yelp from Zoya,"Ya Allah!" she muttered standing from her bed.
I smiled knowing atleast there's one thing she is afraid of.

 “I like thunderstorms, especially watching them from my window. That bright flash of lightning is priceless.” i muttered standing near the window to watch it.

From the window I watched the oak stand firm in the thunderstorm,

Lightning is a fascinating phenomenon. Even scientists don’t really know what causes those amazing blinding flashes during a storm

The thunderstorm was as a molten silver sky, quenching the earth, cocooned in black.
Zoya stood beside me staring at me with confusion.
She then checks my forehead with the back of her hand the way we check the body temperature  and asked, "are you okay?who like thunderstorms?"

I chuckled seeing her hug herself in the fear of the thunderstorms and replied,"what to do am one unique person who tend to like the unexpected."
Suddenly as If someone threw a switch the room became dark.
The lights were now gone.
Here comes my fear.

Just then Zoya muttered to herself, "well am also unique cause I love darkness."
I looked at Zoya the moon illuminating her features in the dark making her look breath takingly beautiful.
A strand of hair, slipped out of her bun,  making my hand itch to reach out to it and tucked it in for her.
What's wrong with you Asad?

Taking a deep breath I let the urge go as Zoya tucked the strand behind her ear by herself.
"I think we should go,  bhabhi must be waiting for us." she muttered.
With the mention of bhabhi, my phone rang, I picked to answer to the voice of bhabhi's hello.

But due to network all I could hear Was The broken message of bhabhi which she was trying to send, "Asa......d...  Stay........ Don't com... Road...  Blocks.." and then the continuous sound of buzzing was heard indicating the end of the call.

Zoya looked at me confused while I texted bhabhi and soon her text came in reply.
"bhabhi said to stay back here, due to the thunderstorm the roads are blocked," I spoke switching on my phone torch to look for the candles.

"then what about bhabhi? She is alone there too!" Zoya asked.
"not really, there's a really kind neighbour that had agreed to look after bhabhi while am away." I replied and before I could speak anything else Zoya spoke, " you cant trust your new neighbors yet Asad!" rolling my eyes at her I headed towards the kitchen with Zoya following me trying to stay close to phone light to avoid tripping or bumping into things.
"she is an old lady who knows me from when I was a kid." bringing out the candles from the kitchen drawers and lighting it with the stove.

Lighting the room with the candles, I finally felt relieved as the room lit up with the hues of oranges with the flash of lightning and thunder rattling the windowpanes.
Just then an ambrosial scent filled up the air and I asked," why are the candles scented?"
Zoya smiled sitting down at the counter and replied nonchalantly,"because I love this scent."
"then where are the non-scented candles that were in this drawer?" I ask frustrated.
I disliked scented candles except for this one.
It was fruity like cherries.
It was fragrancy at the same time unpleasant.
Too much was of it was giving me headache.
And without waiting for her answer I headed towards the living room with my phone torch.

"wait! Where are you going? " Zoya shouted from behind me taking one of the candelabra with her.
Laying down on the sofa with my legs propped up on the handles of it I asked, "what Zoya? And please don't bring this candle near me, it has filled up my nostrils that I might not be able to have my sense of smell working for eons now."

"stop exaggerating,am hungry, " Zoya said lowering her voice at the end to sound cute.
Covering my eyes by my hand, and trying to sleep I replied sluggishly. "what am I to do if you are hungry, go Cook something.. I don't care."

I heard her sigh and stomping as she might have headed inside the kitchen.
Shaking my head, I got up from the sofa and followed Zoya inside the kitchen.
A few of the candles had burnt out because of the breeze and a few were leaving half melted wax on the counter tops.

I saw her taking onions and then my eyeball widened when I saw her removing cleaver from the drawer.
She will chop onions with this?
Is she insane?

Going towards her, and I knew she might have heard my steps cause what she said next just made me smile.
"you should go back sleeping cause all these candles here are filling up in your nostrils right?"

I headed towards her and hugging her from behind I said taking the cleaver from her hand,"sometimes you are just too cute and irresistible, were you going to slice the onions with this?"
I then moved and opened the knives drawer, taking out the chefs knife and putting the cleaver back I looked at Zoya and said, "we are to use this for onions, cleaver is for meats."

She licked her lips nodding and extended her hand for the knife.
Standing beside her I took the onions and started peeling them.
"what were you going to make with onions?"

She moved a bit making space between us and replied,"I thought I would make the omelette you had made for me the other day with tomatoes and jalapenos."

I looked at the carton kept of egg on the top of the fridge and muttered,"we don't have eggs."
Taking the onions from me she said,"anyway I am not really that hungry. " and tried to return the onions back to its place.
Holding her hands I spoke standing close to her, our nose almost touching.
"I will make for you something that won't need eggs, you have to eat for you to take your medicine." I could feel her breath on my chin.
Tucking her hair behind her ear I muttered in a whisper she heard,"I promise a heavy breakfast tomorrow  morning."

Raising her eyes looking into my eyes,  she nodded.
Our eyes locked.
Heartbeats beat to a rhythmic tune.
She licked her lips making my eyes Avert from her eyes to her luscious lips.
Those pink shade was tempting.
Bringing my face closer,  I could feel her breath hitch.
She closed her eyes as my lips touched hers and soon my trance was broken when the room lit up with fluoroscent light.
Taking three steps back from her I muttered, "the lights are back, I'll just start cooking."

What just happened Asad?

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