Chapter Eleven

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Hatred paralyzes life;
Love releases it.
Hatred confuses life;
Love harmonizes it.
Hatred darkens life;
Love illuminates it.


Asad's P.O.V.

"Am feeling bad," she said.

"Feeling bad? For what?" I asked.
Is she feeling bad for lying?
She sighed," Am feeling bad for not helping you, am feeling bad for making you do all the chores."
I rolled my eyes at her, as I checked the biryani to know if it's ready.
It wasn't.

"It's ok." I then head to set the table.
She stood and said," yeah I can help you in stirring!" She seemed happy.
I rolled my eyes again.
Oh! I wonder how many times I roll my eyes when am with her!
One day my eyes might get lost inside my head with all the rollings I do.

I saw her going towards the pot, so I hurriedly went to her and holding her stretched hand I said,"No!" She got startled at my sudden outburst.
Loosening the grip on her wrist I said,"I wouldn't want my kitchen to get burnt down into ashes."
She chuckled and said," but still I wouldn't want to make you do all the work, and it's only my first day living with you."

Why does she always laugh or smile in every situation?
"I agree it's a very bad impression for your first day," I lightened up a bit.
She smiled and said," but there could be a way I could help?"
I kept my index finger on my chin,as if thinking then holding both her shoulder I led her towards the dining table, making her sit on one of the chair I said," yeah! You could do one work."
Excitedly she asked," what?"
I chuckled and said," you will have to help me finish off this biryani."
Shaking her head she said," ofcourse, that's one work am good with that comes under the category of kitchen chores."

Heading towards the stove to bring the biryani pot I joked," phew! That's good to know."


We were now sitting on the table, opposite each other.
She filled her plate high than mine.
"You'll eat all that?" I asked.
It's alot for her body.
At the same time, you can never judge a book by it's cover.

"It smells amazing, so I better eat more before you finish it off yourself." She muttered taking a morsel with her right hand and putting it in her mouth.

I just nodded at her, taking a morsel myself.

After finishing the dinner, I washed the dishes while this time Zoya helped in cleaning the table.

"I'll show you around the house?" I asked.
I needed her to feel like home, even though I never expected her to be living with me.
She nodded at my suggestion as we headed out of the kitchen.

She was fascinated by seeing my house.
It was huge.
Two mastered bedroom, with an eighteenth century style kitchen and a huge sitting room that has the whole wall on one side filled with books all that I have ever read.

"the biryani was really very tasty. " Zoya said.
I nodded my head and muttered  a thank-you while she continued, " you should open your own hotel. "
I smiled a bit and then stated, " I have a small café downstreet."
She nodded smiling." that's good,  maybe I could visit one day? "
I nodded.

After walking a bit more.

"Why haven't you signed the agreement yet?" I asked.
Is there a clause that she is uncomfortable with?

She looked down at her feet out of nervousness I guess?
She then mumbled,"I haven't read it yet."

Guiding her through the doubled glass door, that followed my backyard I asked," why?"

Why hasn't she read yet?
She had more than four hours.
And the agreement only took off your two minutes maximum to read it twice or thrice.

She looked at the view infront of her, mesmerized by the beauty.
She shrieked in a low key way, not raising her voice too loud.
And went towards the pool.

I stared at my backyard, couldn't see what so beautiful she was seeing.
For me it was just normal.

All I could see was just a normal rectangular pool with a little bit of design.


Zoya's P.O.V.

He guided me through the doubled sliding glass door that led towards his backyard.

The backyard was outstanding.
It was just out of a movie set.
It was like a part of heaven on Earth.
His backyard had this huge pool.

The pool itself was long, luminous aqua,in the cool night air.
White wood tubs overflowed with trailing ivy and deep purple flowers that gave off a light, spicy scent.
The chaises lay back, deep welcoming small stone tables, which were curved like diving fish. You'd put your drink on its tail.
Almost invisible quadrophonic speakers perked up from the velvety grass.

I had never seen anything like this in my whole life.
His fence was tall trees, hiding his house from the other neighbours.
I tried to hide my astonishment, but it went in vain when I shrieked lowly.

I looked at him staring at me with a peek of a little smile at the corner of his lips.
"Your house is really very beautiful." I stated staring at the illuminating pool.
His demeanor cool, his hands under the trouser pocket, his hair disheveled more with the cool breeze blowing.
He wore skinny jeans with a tear at the right knee and white untucked long sleeved shirt, with the top two buttons open.
He looked cute, especially when he bit his lower lip staring at me trying to stifle a smile.

I shook my head unsure of why he would be hiding his smile.
"You shouldn't be holding your smile."I mumbled unsure if he heard me.

He offered me a seat at one of the tables around the pool, and taking a seat himself he asked," why do you feel that...that I hold my smile back?" With his eye-brows raised in a questioning manner.

I shouldn't be meddling with his personal life.
Denying the seat he offered I spoke," I don't, I just felt I should say something deep." I then chuckled at my excuse and continued,"I.. I should go back inside, I have to sign the agreement."

He nodded looking at me skeptically,"sure!"

I couldn't tell him the reason why I hadn't sign yet,i bet he would judge me.


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