Chapter Thirty.

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My soul is numb, and I am desperate to feel. In times of distress and sadness, mornings are no longer forgivable, and waking up isn’t ideal.


Zoya's P.O.V.

I was cold, I woke up in the middle of the night.
Sleep deprived, to find the other side of my bed empty.
Where's bhabhi?

I got up, lighting the bedside lamp I looked around my room.
Apart from my usual things scattered here and there, bhabhi wasn't seen.
I checked the wall clock, it read 3:45 am.
Where could she be at this time?
Even the bathroom light was off.

Taming my messy hair with a bun, I walked downstairs to see the kitchen lights on.
I smiled knowing just why.

I entered the kitchen to see bhabhi rummaging through the kitchen.
She turned around to look at me and smiled," Zoya, what are you doing here?"
I sat on one of the counters and said," you know, you are supposed to wake me whenever you want to eat yeah?"
Bhabhi smiled taking out two strawberry flavoured Yoghurt plastic cups, handing me one with it's spoon, she removed a chair and sat facing me.
"I was super hungry and couldn't wake you up from sleep, but anyway doesn't matter since you are awake now." Bhabhi replied.
I nodded opening the Yoghurt while bhabhi was feeding on her already opened one.

I had finished mine but bhabhi was still eating hers. I hoped down the counter and headed towards the dustbin to throw the cup when I heard bhabhi say,"What's wrong Zoya?"
I turned around to see bhabhi worried.
"Nothing, why are you asking that?" I asked going towards her.
She replied,"I can see it in your face that you are worried, about something."
"What?" I panic right there.
What should I do?
Does she know?
Bhabhi took a deep calm breath and said,"this baby has been kicking alot lately."
I smiled half-heartedly saying,"I will soon be moving out of the house. "
I couldn't say that all of us will have to move out, cause am sure Asad haven't said anything.
I had phoned one of my workmate to look for me a small apartment.

She looked shocked at my revelation  and asked, " why? Did Asad tell you something?" and before I could answer her,she stood up from the chair and headed towards Asad's bedroom with me behind her trying to stop.
"bhabhi, listen you need to relax, why don't you go in your bedroom while I bring Asad holding by his ear? And you can reprimand him all you'd like for kicking me out of the house while you are relaxed on the bed.Good deal?"
Bhabhi looked at me skeptically and finally nodded,"fine,just bring him fast."
"sure." I answered giving her a thumbs-up.

Hardest decision now.
Should I enter or not?
But he has denied my entry to his room.
But it's about bhabhi, I have to tell him.
And I can't tell him without entering his room.

I entered to see a dark room with only the ray of moonlight giving me the minimum light to move without falling.
But me being Zoya the clumsy, I didn't see and after walking few steps I fell on a hard bare chest, "ouch!" I rubbed my forehead while the light got switched on.
I saw Asad below me rubbing his chin, his face angry.
"Your head is brick or what? It weigh 5tonnes?" He then pushed me and stood up holding my hand by my elbow and barked," what the hell are you doing in my room?"

I rolled my eyes jerking my hand away from him making us both fall back on the bed,with me now below him and spoke," oh! Now look who weighs 50 tonnes?"
Shaking his head he spoke,"male are supposed to be heavy."
"oh and those heavy male are supposedly allowed to squish females?" I asked sarcastically.
Sitting up and letting me get up from bed he said,"you trespassed, what are you doing in my room?"

"it's bhabhi," I muttered.
"what? How? Isn't it still early?"he asked confused.
Rolling my eyes I spoke,"am not talking about... No it's not her pregnancy..  That will still take more months.. It's about you kicking me out of the house."

"kicking you out of the house? Really? Who would tell her that and you know am not kicking you out,we all have to move out." he asked so many questions  at once.
Nodding I replied,"yes but bhabhi doesn't know that,so she feels that you are kicking me out."
Getting up,wearing a t-shirt to cover his abs and before leaving he said,"ever since I met you, you've been screwing my life Zoya."
I snorted,"ha! For starters your girlfriend  left you before I knew you."

He turned looking at me raising his eye-brow he asked,"what's with you bringing my ex-girlfriend all the time?"
"it ain't my fault that I tend to speak truth than lie."I replied smirking.
Shaking his head as if not believing a thing I said he left the room.

Asad's P.O.V.

I can't believe her.
If she doesn't lie then what's with her visiting palliative center?
Not telling anything is also a lie.
Although I do know what her reason is.
If only she would consider sharing the information herself with me.

Shaking my head I went towards bhabhi, why did Zoya had to tell about moving out?
I was going to tell bhabhi tomorrow during breakfast.
But Zoya couldn't wait few more hours.
It was almost 5 in the morning.
"Asad! Come here!" bhabhi called out upon seeing me near the door.
Just as I entered  the room I spoke to my defense,"I am not kicking Zoya out."
Bhabhi looked at me and asked again to confirm,"you ain't?"

"no he isn't." Zoya stayed from behind me.
Finally she speaks.
Zoya then sat on the other side of the bed while bhabhi asked her, "the why are you moving out?  Did Asad tell you anything? Asad come here right now!"
I went towards her sighing and before I could prove myself guilty bhabhi pulled my ear while Zoya was having fun laughing.

"ouchhh! Bhabhi I didn't do anything! ouch!!! Zoya tell her!" I spoke in pain.
Zoya nodded trying to muffle her laughs,"haha yeah bhabhi haha he didn't do anything."
Bhabhi left my ear and asked looking at Zoya, "then why are you moving out?"

Zoya became all serious and looked at me,taking a deep breath I let the cat out of the bag.
"we all have been kicked out of the house by Ayan."

How do you think bhabhi will react to that?

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