Chapter Twenty

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It’s been a while now and I still miss the way she said my name.
I didn’t know my bones could ache (forever) for so long.
They say there’s beauty in sadness but I don’t think so (at least not like this).
When it’s 3am and alcohol is the only thing that helps me sleep.
They didn’t warn me that heartache doesn’t always have someone to blame. Sometimes it’s no one’s fault (it’s probably all mine).
I found her sweater the other day and it still smells like her and that spring we spent telling each other we’d be forever.
I didn’t really think about how forever could end.
She used to call me beautiful and look at me with eyes that meant it. Now I just don’t know how I’m supposed to hear that word from anyone else.
I’m caught somewhere between moving on and holding on and not knowing which one I can handle best.


Asad's P.O.V.

I love you.

What does it really mean?

I don't know about others but for me, its a promise.
A promise of forever.
A promise to love under every condition.
A promise to always hold my partner's hand no matter what storm.
A promise to mend everything broken.

For me I love you, these three words aren't just magical but are rather precious.
These are the words which can either break or make lives.
And where I stood?
I can never promise anyone of forever.
I am so broken that i can't fulfil the promise of mending.
Cause everything I hold just slips away from my grasp like the granules of sands.

And telling bhabhi I love you Is like taking the chance of losing her.
And believe me, after everything I have ever faced in my life.
Mehreen Bhabhi isn't someone am ready to lose ever.

I helped her in the preparation of lunch, and then later sat on the counter typing away the document.


Zoya's P.O.V.

It was almost lunch time, As it was my first day, I had the priority of being away for two hours and allowed to eat outside the work premises.
So I thought of calling Asad to come pick me up so we could eat somewhere outside in a nice restaurant as my treat.
And since I had forgotten my money wallet at home, I could tell him to bring it for me.

He has been so nice since yesterday, the less I could do is treat him to lunch.

I tried calling but all I could hear was ringing only.
Then all my calls were now missed calls on his phone.

I was standing outside the company, the sun was too hot, unbearable.
And I stood there for almost an hour, waiting for him to answer his calls.
I had called him 73 times and all the calls went unanswered.

What's wrong?
Is he okay?

Worried and tired of waiting in the scorching sun I headed back inside, sitting on my desk and drinking the free coffee my company offered.
Even though I had a heavy breakfast, and drinking more than three cups of black coffee in the morning, I was still famished.

The afternoon went by and he didn't call back.
He must have seen my missed calls!
I hope he isn't in any trouble.

Keeping all the thoughts aside I texted him.

To Asad;
Are you okay?~Z


I nibbled at the tip of the pen on my right hand, waiting for his reply.
But he didn't.

I spent the next six hours of work with worry, and hoping that nothing was wrong with him.
Checking my phone everytime to see if I had gotten a notification from him
But to my disappointment, none.


It was now five p.m. time to go home.
And time to meet Asad.
I hurriedly packed all my stuff, in the hope of seeing Asad in the parking lot waiting for me.
But it all remained a hope when I saw no one.
Where was he?

I tried calling him again.
But this time his phone was switched off.
I didn't even had any money to hire a cab home.
Just then Mr. Ahmad passed by me and asked," do you need a lift home? My driver could drop you off."
I denied smiling," no it's fine, thank you for asking but my friend will be coming over to pick me up."

He smiled nodding and then went towards his Mercedes.
I saw his son getting in the other car with his P.A.
The P.A didn't seemed to be a nice girl, with the way she was dressed.
She was wearing a very short skirt, that just about covered her butt, and a very short crop top, that had spaghetti sleeves, she then accompanied it with knee-length boots and tons and tons of make-up.
Who wears such clothes at work?

In an instant, I disliked her.

And I must say, this city is unpredictable.
It was just very hot and sunny weather In the morning and now look at it.
It had started raining.
At first drizzle but then heavy raindrops wetted me fully.

I stood under the rain waiting for Asad.


Asad's P.O.V.

"Just do as I say Vinay!" I shouted back to Vinay on the phone.

"Why don't you go? You promised her! Then why do I have to go?" Vinay whined on the other side of the phone.
I could hear the shuffling on his side.
Shit! He must have been with his girlfriend.
He hates when anyone interrupt his time with her.

"I can't go," I just replied that.
I guess he got the emotion behind my voice and muttered," fine! Where does she work?"

"Ahmad and Sons limited." I stated.

I could still hear ruffling behind as he spoke," she works for your dad?"
Rubbing my face in frustration I muttered," yeah! And listen forgive me for I disturbed you."

He chuckled closing the door I guess in process," you owe me honey."
Before disconnecting the call I heard him curse," it's raining! Fuck you Asad!"

I chuckled keeping my phone aside.
Only I knew how much he hated rains and getting wet in it.

I told him to pick Zoya, it was one hour past the end of her working hours, and i did see all those 73 missed calls and the message she sent but I ignored them all.
And later switched off my phone for sometime.

I didn't promised her to be picked but I believe that after I told her yesterday to be her chauffeur, it was my responsibility for her to reach home safely.
And Vinay being the only option, I let him pick her up only for today.
As from tomorrow she should find another chauffeur for herself.

Cause I quit.


Two updates in one day.
Anyway I hope you like the chapter.

Love Shabz_Sam ❥

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