Chapter Six

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*****Don't allow negative moments to steal your life

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Don't allow negative moments to steal your life..


Zoya's P.O.V.

After one month;

I couldn't believe it.
I finally got my dream job.
Okay not exactly, but working with the most famous business man is closer to it.

Working as a personal assistant to Mr.Ahmad Khan.
Plus, I had to move from this area.

Ofcourse, I couldn't leave my family in the orphanage but I had to live my life before it ends.
And working for Mr.Ahmad is the first step to leave my past and make future.

Sometimes... you need to be away from all the moments of your past to find out who you really are, who you really want to be and how you're going to get there.
And if going away from Miss D'Souza and the kids is wrong then I will learn from my mistakes but sometimes only the wrong directions lead us to the right place.

I looked at my reflection in the full-length mirror on my cupboard, which no longer will be mine as now am going to the richer side of the city.
My long black hair tied into a messy bun with a few strands falling infront of my face, I was wearing a loose big sweatshirt that reached my mid-thigh with ripped blue jeans and sport shoes.

I definitely didn't look like someone who would soon be working for the richest business man, but for now I looked someone who is ready for whatever future brings.

Ofcourse I would have to be ready to receive every blow life throws from now on, cause I won't have Miss D'Souza to scold me or to rectify my every mistake, I won't have these kids to bring a smile on my face, I won't have the watchman uncle who greets me everytime he sees me, whose wife is so obsessed with the smart phone she just received for her fiftieth birthday, and disturbs me to teach her the social apps.
I will miss this place.
It's valleys, it's horse-carts, it's small street shops especially the tea-stall at the corner of the 6th Street.

I will miss it's once in a blue-moon rains, peacocks dancing when it rains, kids splashing, the smiles, the happiness.

But I will have to remove all this to move on.
I will have to end my thoughts with positivity.
How successful I will be once I am there,how the city's sunset or the sunrise illuminates the city, how it's honks during a traffic will be my everyday's life Melody.
Afterall, I always believed the saying; Always ends the day with a positive thought, no matter how hard things were, tomorrow's a fresh opportunity to make it better.

"Zoya!" Miss D'Souza called from outside.
I took my bags, heading outside.
Smiling my best I hugged the kids and went towards Miss D'Souza.
"Are you sure you will be fine alone in the big city?" Miss D'Souza asked concerned heard in her question.
I smiled hugging her and replied," I'll be fine, you are the only one who knows my actual reason to go to the city."
She nodded hugging me back.

"And I hope you get what you are seeking," she muttered.
I half heartedly smiled, getting inside the taxi.
I heard a faint whisper from Miss D'Souza," take care!"
A tear slipped from my eyes as the taxi driver took a corner, leaving the sight of orphanage behind.

Wiping it I hoped for the best.


I didn't know where to go first, since I was new to this side of the city.
Ok not really new, but I only knew the bridge, Funhouse and Asad's house who was still a stranger for me.
So I decided to come to my work place.

Ahmad and Sons Ltd.

The building was tall, gigantuan.
I showed my identity cardp to the security before entering.
It was weekend, Saturday.
So the place wasn't that busy.
A few people walked, lost in their own work.
Everyone looked here professional, wearing expensive and formal dress codes.
I looked at my attire, I looked like a lost kitten, with my hair probably more messy now as I left the taxi window open to feel the breeze.
Trying to be filmy, by pulling my hand out, or face out, closing my eyes and feeling the breeze.
Now I know how stupid I am.

I looked as if I came here to beg.
Not having any options, I headed towards the receptionist just the way I was.
She looked kind from the appearance but I was wrong until she opened her filthy mouth.
Chewing, she said," how can I help you? Spit fast cause I don't have all the time of the world." As she filed her nails.

I looked at my chipped nails and tucked them in my jean pocket as I muttered," I would like to meet Mr. Ahmad Khan."

Keeping the filing knife aside, she turned her attention towards the computer on her desk and asked," what's your name? Do you have an appointment?"

"Umm... My name is Zoya and I don't have an appointment." I replied unsure of what to do if she denies the permission to meet my boss to be.

"Zoya? Zoya who?" She asked looking at me, checking my face now with details.
I have a feeling she thinks am some poor girl who has come here for donations.

"Zoya.. just Zoya." I replied.
Is it a must for one to have a surname?
She rolled her eyes and said," ok so just Zoya since you don't have an appointment you can't meet anyone in this building. And now will you just move so others behind you can get a chance?"

I bit my bottom lip and spoke," can't you do something? It's really important."
She sighed making a call and then after a minute or two speaking in the phone she said," I can't, cause today he left early for home, sorry."

Dejectedly, I nodded moving away from the desk so others behind me could be helped.
Now what will I do?
Where will I stay?
Should I go to the stranger's house?
But.. what if he denies?
Like he doesn't know me that well plus I bet he has already forgotten me.

But i have no other place as well.
I could ask him to show me nice and cheap hotel to stay, atleast that way I wont bother him.

Going toward the highway to hail a cab, I tried remembering his address.


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