Chapter Nineteen

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You used to be my most happy memory,
And now even thinking about you breaks something inside of me...Ruhi


Zoya's P.O.V

Just like the vast company, my boss Mr. Ahmad's was also big at heart.
He was very kind and polite, he showed me till my desk and also made me meet his son.
My job was simple, all I had to do was make appointments for the meetings and follow whichever orders I get either from Mr.Ahmad or his son.

I believed my job was nothing compared to salary am given.
But I had no complaints.

My first day went by introducing myself to all the workers I met.
Mr. Ahmad's son's P.A seemed to be a little rude but otherwise all the people present seemed good enough.

It was 10 a.m, time for the tea-break.
I was staring at my black coffee and thinking of Asad.
How kind of him to offer a ride everyday, Even though he would have to wake up super early just for me.

I smiled thinking of him.
Picking up my phone and dialing his number, I pressed my phone to my ears hearing his ringtone at the other side of the phone ring.
Once, twice and then beep sound and call disconnected.

He disconnected the call?

Oh! How silly of me
He must have been busy or may be sleeping.
Afterall he woke up early for me today.
I will call him again later on.

I became busy with work after downing my cup of black coffee just the way I like it.


Asad's P.O.V.

I was again locked up in my room, with a bottle of vodka in my hand, half empty.

How could she do it?

I took a swig from the bottle, the taste a little too stingy at first but then it made me feel numb, numb of all the pain and hurt I felt.
The room was again in a mess.

The bed cover all thrown somewhere in the corner of the room, the feathers of the pillow off it's cover, the mirror of my dressing shattered into billions of tiny pieces.
I was crying.

Just then I heard footsteps outside my room.
I had locked it.
The voice that was my life boomed faintly outside my room,"Asad? Pappu!"
I then felt her outside my bedroom door, a light knock was heard.
"Asad beta? Are you in there?"

I cried," go away bhabhi, leave me alone."
She knocked again, this time a little loud," you can't lock yourself just because of what she did, she isn't worth your tears beta."

I took a swig from the bottle, only to find it empty.
In anger I threw the bottle across making it a loud crash against the bed post.
Bhabhi winced," Asad! Open up the door! Are you okay?"
"Just let me be! GO AWAY!" I shouted.

But bhabhi isn't someone who would let me be in pain.
"I won't, I will never leave. I don't know what you think of me, but to me you are my son, and a mother will never leave her son knowing when he needs her the most."

I cried hugging myself tight hearing her say those words.
"But she hurt me," I whispered unsure if bhabhi heard it.
"Open the door, let me in Asad." Bhabhi said in her most soothing voice.
I opened the lock and let her in.

Upon seeing her, I hurriedly hugged her.
She sat with me on the floor beside the door.
I cried hugging her.
"I trusted her, but she crumpled that trust."

Patting my back, soothing my cries she said," she left you, it's her Loss plus I always hated her, I hated how she wore those skimpy clothes."
I smiled half-heartedly only if bhabhi knew.

I wasn't crying because Kayra left me, I was crying because Zoya hurt me.

How could she work for my father?
And dare not to tell me?
She worked under the person I hated Ayaan Bhai.
Yet she didn't consider to tell me where she worked?
I thought she was different but I was wrong.
She turned out to be just like Kayra.
Going after people who had money.

She saw my mansion? Thought I was rich and then somehow she might have known am nothing so she decides to work for my brother.
How low of her.

Kissing bhabhi's forehead I spoke," don't ever think otherwise, you are my everything, not just a mother figure to me but the start and the end of my life."
She wiped my tears standing and said," well just know that am strict as well so you have..." She then checked her wrist watch and continued," only twenty minutes to clean up this mess."

I stood up mock saluting her and started heading towards the broom cupboard when she spoke before exiting my room," and please don't ever drink again, I hate seeing you like this."

I nodded giving her a teary smile, as she left.

But alcohol is the only thing that helps me forget the pain people give.
I started picking up the shattered pieces of glasses when my phone started ringing.
I removed it from my right pocket and stiffened upon seeing the name flashing on the screen.

"Angel Calling."

Without even thinking further, I immediately disconnected the call.
Last night after the star gazing, we had shared each other's number and I intentionally saved hers under that name "Angel"
But today I regret saving that.
Cause she is no Angel.
She is a devil in disguise.

And to my surprise she didn't try calling again.
I hope she got my point of not disturbing me again.


I had now finished cleaning the mess, and had showered too which made me a little sober.

I then headed towards the kitchen seeing bhabhi working her way.
"How many times have I told you not to do anything?" I warned.
She smiled asking," have you done what I told you to?"

"It's been one hour to that , whereas you gave me twenty minutes." I joked.
"I am being lenient toward you since you are my son and I love you."she stated.

I smiled filling myself a glass of water," well you are supposed to say I love you too bhabhi." She stated.
I chuckled gulping the water and said," I don't want those imaginary collars to grow and make you feel on seven clouds."
And we both laughed on that.

I love you.. what does it really mean?


So here's the next update..
I just want to know according to you guys, what does the words otherwise known as the three magical words I love you means??
Comment down your opinions.

Love Shabz_Sam ❥

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