Chapter Twenty Eight.

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he says

i am sorry i am not an easy person to want

i look at him surprised

who said i wanted easy i don't crave easy
i crave goddamn difficult-Rupi Kaur.

Zoya's P.O.V.

We were now in the kitchen.
I sat on the counter staring at him while he removed the pans from the cupboard.
He then took out two aprons and threw one at me, me being the clumsy that I am couldn't hold and the apron landed on my face.
I stared at him angrily after wearing the apron while he chuckled, "did you expect me to do all the work?"
I nodded standing beside him staring at the stove,"yeah cause it's just my first day in the class Sir."
Beating me lightly on the back of my head he replied," that's why there's alot to do."
He then touched my hair and muttered,"I'll be back." leaving the kitchen.
I just shrugged and sat back on the counter.

Asad's P.O.V.

I saw her sitting on the counter, with bored expression on her face.
"you aren't supposed to sleep Zoya!" I spoke.
She got startled hearing my voice all of a sudden and climbing down the counter she spoke, "I.. I wasn't..i was awake."
I smiled walking towards her and motioned her to turn around, her back now facing me.
I took out the scrunchy from my pocket and tried to tie her hair,tried being the keyword.
I had tied in an unrecognizable way, it wasn't known whether I was tying her hair or making it more messy.
But that all didn't matter since it seems to hold all her hair.

She turned around now facing me, trying to hide her smile she asked, "what was that?"
I rubbed my nape and replied with low voice," hair needs to be tied when you are in the kitchen, that's rule number one."

She nodded and asked, " but will it be ok if I re-do it?"
Astonished at her question I asked,"huh?"
She stammered a bit saying, " umm... This.. This seems a bit uncomfortable plus it feels like it will open up anytime soon, so can I re-do it?"
I looked at the master piece I created on her head but she was right it did look like it will soon burst open like a waterfall on her back.
I nodded,"sure you can,after that wash your hands and come towards the stove."
She nodded while I walked ahead to wash my hands and started preparing for all the ingredients that we would be needing.

Wiping her wet hands she stood beside me asking what's to done now.
I showed her the carrot and said, " this needs to be peeled and chopped into cubes."
I took the peeler showing her,"this is..." but before I could finish.
She huffed her answer,"I know what that is Asad,its a peeler. I know how to use it as well."
I widened my eyes nodding and handing her the peeler and the carrot to Peel.
Confidently she took The carrot and started peeling it.
We only needed one carrot to be added in the noodles.
After finishing to peel she shows me her work and smiling proudly spoke," I am so good at peeling."
I smiled at her and said,"not to bring you down or anything but let's see if you are good at chopping as well."
Sighing she rolled her eyes at me and waited for me to show her.

I gave half carrot to her while the other half I kept to show her how it's chopped.
Putting the carrot on the chopping board, and told her, "first we need to cut into thin strips of about three or two will do as well."
She nodded listening keenly.
I showed her how it's done and she followed suit.
Her strips went shapeless but it was ok for a first timer, later that strips I showed her to cut in cubes and that went successfully.
She was able to master on how to chop carrots.
Although that took us about fifteen minutes.

"do you know how to switch on gas?" I asked.
She nodded saying," I think I know."
I rolled my eyes "think? Don't want to risk."
I showed her on how to switch on the gas before letting her do it on her own.
After doing that we let the carrot and some peas boil while we continued with heating the noodles water on other gas.
As these two were being done,we had to chop onions now.
The vegetable I hated chopping cause it always made me cry.

Standing behind her I whispered in her ear,"this is the vegetable you couldn't chop last time."

Zoya's P.O.V.

He was standing too close.
His voice send chills through my body.
I took a deep breath and before I could say anything he held my left hand with his and brought it towards the onion.
Him still behind me, his body heat radiating, making me feel hot.

"put the tips of all your five fingers on the onion, while with the right hand, hold the knife, keep the tip of the knife on the chopping board..." I couldn't hear anything more cause I zoned out.
My breathing had become now uneven. He stopped doing whatever he was with the onion and asked,"are you ok? "
I nodded at him, "ye..yeahhh" my cheeks now red from blushing.
Cause one he was standing so close whispering in my ear.
Two he still wasn't wearing anything for top part from the apron.
Three his hands on mine just screamed perfect.
What was happening?

I only knew that we were done chopping the onions when he moved away and started stirring the carrots and the peas to check if they were boiled.
Bringing the carrot near my mouth he said," eat this and tell me if it's boiled."
I opened my mouth as he fed me.
It was perfectly boiled.
"it's done." he nodded putting the noodles in the boiled water while removing the water from the boiled carrots and peas.

After about twenty minutes the noodles were cooked, so he tossed the spices that were given in the noodles packet and added the vegetables too.Mixing all those well he said," see?cooking isn't hard."
I nodded heading toward the table to eat what we both made.
After eating all the noodles, I gave him his scrunchie back.
He looked at it and said,"you can keep it or do whatever you want to do with it. This isn't mine."
Heading outside the kitchen together I asked,"then how do you have it?"
"it might have been of Kayra's,"he muttered.
We were now climbing the stairs.
"Did you loved her?" I asked but he shrugged replying,"I wouldn't say that to be love but I guess one could hardly get over with their first ever relationship yeah?"

Standing outside his room, I denied saying," I can't know it, cause I never had a relationship."
He raised his eyebrows and asked, "why?people might have tried hitting on you?you are beautiful."
I smiled at his words and replied, " I didn't want to be in any relationship."
He nodded understanding and asked,"does that mean you've never been kissed as well."
He was now staring at my lips.
I licked my lips and chuckled," how would I be kissed when I never dated anyone?"

Still staring at my lips he spoke, "I can kiss you."
"huh?" what did he just say?


What do you think will happen in the next chapter?
I tried writing this in one hour so please don't mind any mistakes if you see.


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