Chapter Thirty Five

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I'm oxygen and he's dying to breathe.


Zoya's P.O.V.

What just happened?
Oh my God!
Did he just kissed me?
What is all this happening?
And why?
I couldn't even sleep the whole night thinking about this.
He didn't even speak to me anything after the almost kiss.
We just had dinner in silence and later left for each other's room.
it was now 5:00am, I was laying in my bed staring at the plain ceiling.
Thinking about the kiss, my heartbeat started dancing to an unknown muted music that only the heart could listen.

I hid my face in the pillow and shouted removing all my frustrations,"Arghhh!"
Then got up from bed as if I wasn't awake the whole night.
Taking a deep breath I headed towards the washroom to do wudhu(ablution) for my fajr prayers.

After praying with full concentration, I headed downstairs.
The scent coming from the kitchen was undeniably amazing.
I was famished with just the scent.
I was still standing outside my room, today Asad woke up early?
He must have been in a hurry to leave this house or he must have been really very hungry.
Hoping he might have cooked enough for both of us I headed downstairs.
Infact I shouldn't be hoping, he has to make enough for both of us since last night he promised me a heavy breakfast.

But it could have been those scented candles affecting his senses...
Cause whatever happened last night, Asad would have never done any other time.
So it's a must that the fault is of scented candles.
For no reason I stayed awake the whole night whereas I should have known that he wasn't in his senses when he kissed me.. I mean almost kissed me.
I don't know what an actual kiss is, but touching of lips even if it was for a quarter of a second is considered a kiss in my dictionary.
And I wouldn't let that happen again, especially with Asad.
We both aren't meant to be together at all.
He is different from my type,it's not that I have any idea of an ideal boyfriend but also seeing Kayra was his ex, am not his type too.

No Zoya, now no more buying those scented candles, you wouldn't want last night to happen again!

I entered the kitchen to see no one there.
But the table was set with all types of breakfast cuisines I would have ever heard of.
Did Asad do all this? But he isn't here.
If he is still up sleeping then who made all this?
Can it be?... Ghost?
Oh my God!
All this time bhabhi Asad and I have been living with Ghost under the same roof? And we didn't even had a hint of it?
Thank God Ayan Sir, evicted us from this house.
But where is this ghost?
He left the the food for who after cooking?
Those chocolate croissant are tempting, I licked my lips and shook my head to avoid such temptations when I know I won't be able to eat it.

Those aren't yours Zoya!
I scolded myself and took the frying pan  on my right hand to start looking for that chef ghost.
Just as I turned I saw Asad standing at the entrance, his hand crossed over his chest, his face as always serious with eyebrows furrowed.
"What are you doing with the pan Zoya?"

I looked at the pan on my right hand and then looked at him, getting closer to where he was I whispered,"trying to look for the ghost."
Removing his hand from the chest he now kept them on his jeans pocket.
He was still wearing last night's clothes cause he didn't had any extra.

Rolling his eyes he entered the kitchen looking at the set table he muttered,"there is no ghost here and even if it was, you can't beat it with a pan."

I eyed at him and replied my voice still a whisper,"you cannot question my fighting skill, plus I took the pan to look like a professional fighter."
I was now standing beside him, still eyeing the kitchen to see a sign of ghost presence.
He looked at me as if I was a lost cause and asked,"professionals don't use pan plus where did you get the idea that there's a ghost here."

Putting the pan on the counter I replied to him,"in Pubg you get to fight with pan to kill the enemy..And you just came right now in the kitchen, I don't have that knowledge of cooking this much food without burning down the kitchen then who made all this?" I said pointing at the table and continued,"that leaves us with one option ghost."

Asad face palmed and said,"I made all this for us."
"But you just arrived in the kitchen when did you make all this?" I looked at table again.
It had chocolate croissants, pancakes, omelettes, chicken salad, bowls of two different soups, bagels and toasts with cheese slices, fruits to juices, milkshakes and a teapot of steaming hot tea.

"I woke up around 2:00am to go buy the grocery from a 24hour mall and started making it."he replied rubbing his nape out of nervousness.
Standing infront of him, facing each other I stated,"you didn't sleep at all why?"
"To make all this ofcourse," he then tucked a loose strand of my hair behind the ear And continued,"plus I had promised you a heavy breakfast last night."

His hand still on my face, removing his hand I smiled sitting on the table and asked,"you remembered? I thought it was the effect of those scented candles."
He sat opposite me, on the other side of the dining table and replied,"I remember everything that happened last night."

I gulped hard and looked at him.
Even the almost kiss?
Ofcourse he remembers.
He wasn't drunk.
He was in senses.
Those candles aren't intoxicants to affect him that way.
Well right now I wish he wouldn't mention the almost kiss.
I wouldn't know how or what to reply to that.

Asad looked at me, serving himself with omelette and asked,"what's wrong? You remembered something about last night"
I know he Is playing with me, I could see a smirk forming on his face.
So I just shake my head indicating nothing and fill my plate will all the options of food available on the table for breakfast.
Taking the first heavenly bite of the croissant, I moan in pleasure savouring the chocolate.
I hear Asad chuckling and realized what I just did.
That sounded wrong.

Gulping down the bite with milkshake I apologized,"am sorry but this is too good, irresistible I hope that you make promises like this to me everyday."
Asad gave me his genuine smile and replied," I don't promise the same one but I do promise to make for you breakfast everyday."
I smiled back speaking,"I hope you won't let me go hungry to work ever again."

"We had closed the discussion that you ain't going to work, why you being adamant?" He scolded.

"The deal was that I will only stop working if you bring the amount." I replied eating the breakfast.
That made him quiet.

After we were done eating he spoke,"okay, you can go to work today but for resigning, cause from tomorrow you won't as I'll bring the amount of money today itself."

"How will you bring it?" But he shushed me and muttered,"discussions are closed, am waiting for you outside in the car."
Standing at the entrance of the kitchen he told before leaving,"don't worry about the dishes, I'll get the house cleaned before giving it to Ayan."

I just stood there in the kitchen, holding my dirty plate wondering from where will he bring such huge amount?

It's been long since I last updated but had been busy with the holy month, eid.
So what do you guys think of this chapter?
What do you think Asad will do to get the money?

Keep on supporting me by reading voting and commenting..
Shabz_Sam ♥ ♡ ♥

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