Chapter Three

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*****Your feelings are your greatest tool to help you create your life

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Your feelings are your greatest tool to help you create your life.


Zoya's P.O.V.

The sun was about to set, I was standing on the bridge.
By the sea, cool breeze coming off the waters of the pacific as the sun showered it's Amber and violet colours onto the sky, giving it the look of crimson and magenta.
I closed my eyes savouring the salt in the air.
The whole beauty reflected onto the sea made the view breathe takingly beautiful.

I turned facing the other side of the bridge.
To see how the traffic was with honking and people walking as fast as their feet could take unaware of the beauty around them.
Busy with their own messed up life.
Trying to run ahead of time.

It's the simple things in life that are most extraordinary; only wise men are able to understand them.(Al-Chemist)

I took out my D5300 and started clicking the pictures.
I might have hundreds of pictures of the same sunset, but everytime I look at it, it's always new.
I was just digesting all this beauty when suddenly I saw a silhouette of someone, on the opposite side of the bridge I was at.
The person was standing at the edge, about to jump off.
When I shouted,"hey!!" And rushed towards the person, grabbing him by the collar.

Good thing that there was still traffic, so I didn't had to dodge any speeding car.
I turned the person and asked,". What do you think you are doing?"
He blinked once and twice,then grinned boyishly and spoke," Are you an Angel? Am I in heaven?"
He reeked of alcohol, his eyes blood-shot red.
His expensive suit shirt all messed-up and smelly, a few top buttons open.
He held his blazer on his one hand while the other held the bottle of some liquor, which was now empty as he took a swig from it just seconds ago.

"Listen, you are drunk and you need to be home not standing on the edge of the bridge ready to die." I spatted.
Angry at how someone can be so careless concerning his or her life.
"I wasn't about to jump off." He slurred.
"Ofcourse!" I rolled my eyes.
"Now where do you stay?" I asked as I hailed a cab probably to help a stranger reach his home sound and safe.

He muttered his address to the cabbie as the traffic started to move.
I called Samar, informing him that I'll be late and will reach directly at the orphanage, so he could take the kids back on time.
The journey to his place took more than half an hour, I wasn't sure if I had the enough fare to reach his home and fro to the orphanage.

Why am I like this? Always helping strangers and then ending up in trouble myself?
The stranger had laid his head on my lap as the cab came to a halt.
We had stopped at the richer side of the city.
I woke him up and tried to balance his heavy built body on mine, luckily enough I had just exact amount to pay the cabbie.
With his weight on mine, I slowly trying not to fall flat on the floor dragged him towards the gate.
The watchman, probably knowing his boss came to help hurriedly and led both of us inside the house.
Or should I say a mansion?

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