Chapter Thirty Two

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"Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which they never shows, to anybody."


Zoya's P.O.V.

I looked to see Asad holding Ayan Sir's hand.
A smile formed on my face automatically, then I remembered his word paying guest and that smiled turned into a frown.

Asad looked at Ayan Sir with his eyes filled with anger and stated, "don't ever dare to raise your hand or voice on her."

Lowering his hand Ayan sir spoke chuckling, "aww! That's cute seeing you being protective over your girl but you can't do me any harm Asad."

Asad giving him a smirk replied,"ofcourse I can't, since am no one here, but Zoya can."

I was confused what could I possibly do harm to Ayan sir.
With the power and money Ayan sir has I stand no chance.
Ayan sir thought the same as I was, "what harm could she do? Looking at her she wouldn't even able to hurt a fly, let alone a human. Plus, am sure after receiving that eviction letter you know how much power I hold."

I protested,"I can kill a fly."but I guess no one heard me cause nodding at Ayan Sir, Asad replied, "yeah power, don't forget that Zoya has the power more than you do Ayan. She has the power of being a female, she can do a case of harassment outside work past the working hours."

Ayan chuckled shaking his head,"I guess reading those book that you have in the living room have gotten inside your head, make sure you get out of your imagination world and move out of the house by end month."
And started moving towards his car.

Asad stopped him by saying, "you won't have wait till the end of the month,we will be out by tomorrow."
Ayan nodded and went away.

I looked at Asad furiously, "why did you tell him that the house will be empty by tomorrow?"
Holding my hand leading me towards his car he replied,"because it will be empty by tomorrow Zoya."
I jerked my hand away from his, and folding them on my chest, I said, "just because you got a place to move, that doesn't mean I got a place to stay as well."
Rolling his eyes and opening the car door he ordered me to sit inside.
"I will hail a taxi and go." I muttered heading towards the exit of the parking lot.
He came standing towards me and stopped me by holding both my shoulders, then walking ahead making me walk backwards he led me till his car again, the door was still open, pushing me inside he locked the door and sat in the driver's seat.
Locking the car doors so I couldn't escape he started the engine and headed toward the highway.
Sighing I spoke, "I wasn't supposed to go home yet."
He nodded,"I know."
I looked at him confused as the car stopped.
"what are we doing here? How did you... How did you know? "

Asad's P.O.V.

The car stopped at Zoya's destination and she asked after looking outside,"what are we doing here? How did did you know?"

I looked outside staring at the palliative centre.
Not many cars were parked at the parking lot at this hour.
I then turned to face her,she was staring at me confused.
"it's almost your time for the appointment with the doctor."
Blinking twice she nodded but still asked,"how did you know I was to come here today?"
I removed the envelope from the drawbox and handed it to her.
Removing the papers from it, she saw that these were all her medical document, from her medicine timetable to the doctor's appointment.

"I wanted to tell you and bhabhi, but never got the correct time." she whispered looking at her folded hands on her lap.
I could see tears pooling in her eyes.
"you don't have to tell bhabhi about it." I pleaded.
She nodded getting out of the car, looking at me through the window she asked,"will you come inside?"
I looked at her then at the palliative centre,shaking my head I denied, "Nop, I don't like palliative centres especially this one."
I had worse memories connected to this centre.
She sighed muttering ok and then whispered to herself but I heard it.
"don't worry Zoya you can do this alone,like always."
She then started walking towards the entrance.

Covering my face with my palms I thought.
How did I go inside when I was first following her the other day?
Why did I not feel worse when I entered that time?
Was it because that I was so engrossed in finding the truth behind Zoya that I had no idea where I was?

With no other option, I got out of the car and called out, "Zoya!"
She turned around looking at me, she was almost inside the palliative centre.
Running towards her, I extended my hand and muttered,"let's go inside."
She gave me a huge smile and kept her soft hand on mine.
enclosing her hand with mine we both headed inside together.

I could feel the pain this palliative centre had caused me, I could hear those cries, the images flashed infront of me.
I could see the younger me, with tears and confused look.
I had no idea where I was during that time but all I knew that this centre took the most previous jewel of my life from me,my mum.
I clutched Zoya's hand tighter and that made her stopped walking.
"are you alright?"
Loosening the grip I just nodded with my head bobbing up and down.

Wiping the fallen tear from my eye, I looked anywhere but at her.
To lighten the mood she spoke, "I thought you didn't like this palliative centre."
I gave her the half hearted smile and muttered to myself, "I believe I can overcome this fear, for you." whispering the last part hoping she didn't hear it.

We then headed towards the doctor's office,our hands still enclosed.
The warm feeling radiating through her by the means of her palm, that made me feel at ease.
Although her fragnant that's just enchanting, made me forget the worse memories this centre gave me.


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