Chapter Sixteen.

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Just that girl with broken smile,
who wears her heart on a sleeve,
she's got her memories tied up tight,
and her love is on a leash.
And when you ask her what she wants to be she'll just say happy.
Because her heart might be bleeding but she'll never admit it's been broken - sunshine girl.


Asad's P.O.V.

"Ice skating?" She asked.
Her voice quivered a little.
I nodded," yeah! Why do you seem scared?"

I thought this was her idea of fun!
She should be excited that I bought the tickets for ice-skating instead of kids games.
Wait! Was she expecting to play those kids game?
I mentally face-palmed and sitting beside her on the bench I asked, " you don't really know how to ice-skate yeah?"
She nodded looking at her feet below ashamed.
Holding her chin with my hand, I made her look at me and spoke," well you have me as your teacher now."

She smiled," you know how to ice-skate?"
Smirking I said," am an expert."
She clapped her hands together and said,"oh! Great!"

Only if she knew I don't know how to ice-skate expertly.
I only know the basics.

I pray I don't make both of us fall on our butt.


"Wait!Wait! We are going fast!" Zoya shouted beside me.
We both were each other's support.
She was holding my right hand in her left.
I made sure none of us fall till now.

Well it's been only five minutes, but that's good yeah? That I didn't let her fall and made sure she feels am an expert.


Zoya now wanted to skate without my support, which I was hesitant to make her do.
But after her pleading alot I finally agreed and stood about five foot apart so she could first try short distance without my support as practice.

I looked at her.
Her hair was twisted upward and clipped with a clip, a stray hair winged from her head like a crown.
Wearing knee and elbow caps she looked like someone on a mission.

Showing her full set of teeth with smile, her eyes lit up she said," am coming, ready?"
I nodded ushering her towards me with my hand signals.
She took few steps backwards and then lunged ahead straight to me, making us both loose balance, taking me with her on the icy floor.

My butt hurt.
She was on top of me, the loose strands on the sides of her face laid on my face.
I removed the strands, tucking it behind her ears and stared at her.
Her eyes were shut, as if scared to fall and be broken.
She seemed fragile as I looked at her close up.
It seemed like I'll touch her and she will vanish into thin air.
My eyes then went towards her lips, she had pressed them too tight.
I tugged her lower lip with my thumb and said," you are safe, in my arms Zoya."

She opened her eyes gradually, staring at me.
We were too close, our faces only inches apart.
Our breaths mingling with each others.
Her brown eyes staring at my greyish eyes, she then closed her eyes and opened again after about a second.
She then got up and said,"forgive me"
Giving me a hand.

I held her hand getting up, and said," it's ok I should have caught you, not let you fall."
She smiled, removing her elbow caps and said," it's almost one let's have lunch?"
I nodded following her to exit the ice-skating zone.


Zoya's P.O.V.

What just happened?
Falling isn't a problem, but the emotion I saw in his eyes is the problem.

What if he starts liking me?
What if I start liking him?
He is handsome.
Very handsome.
With his grey eyes and tanned skin to his defined jaw.
And today he just looked perfect.
He wore ripped at the knees jeans and with a maroon hoodie.
His hair like always kept in a disheveled manner.

He has a good body as well.
I didn't see his private parts of ofcourse cause I covered my eyes before anything, but I did had a glance of his six-pack abs and the glance of his butt can't be counted.
It felt like he worked out everyday.
Even when I was in his arms on that icy floor, he seemed strong.
His grip firm.
Why am I thinking of how hot or strong he is?
I should be thinking of how ugly or boring he is.

I have to tell him the truth about me, before he assumes anything.
I have to tell him that I can't be anything to him other than a friend and a housemate.

"Zoya! Are you coming or you think food will come to you?" He joked, smiling.
Before I complained of him not smiling but now that he has been smiling the whole day today with me I feel he should stop.
Cause his smile is worth falling in love for.

Shaking my head I stood beside him and said," let's have Indian food for lunch?"
He nodded," my fave type of cuisine, sure lemme take you to my fave restaurant."

I smiled half-heartedly following him towards his car.

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