Chapter Seventeen.

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Live as if you'll die tomorrow Dream as if you'll live forever."


Asad's P.O.V.

It was almost evening.
The sun was almost setting, we had gone to places Zoya would prefer, but now she wanted to visit the bridge.
She wanted to see the sunset there.

I parked my car, before the bridge and then both of us walked to place she always stand whenever she used to come here before.

Indeed the sunset was beautiful, the sky painted with the hues of pink and orange with a little bit of blues.
I stared in awe a smile automatically appearing on my face.
With Zoya I smile alot.
There are some people who radiates positive vibes and with Zoya she has that aura of making everyone's life filled with smiles and happiness.

Just then I heard a click and a flash went off, I turned to see her smiling behind her camera facing me.
I groaned hiding my face as another flash popped," oh stop Zoya."
She giggled, her giggle somewhat was appealing, making heat of rush go through my body, making me all warm and happy seeing her giggling beside me.
"This is the rare pic of you smiling which can get me a fortune if I ever try selling," she muttered while still giggling.
I chuckled shaking my head at her joke and stared at the sun setting, right now I am experiencing the two most beautiful views, one is this colourful sunset and the other is Zoya's smile somehow making this day more colourful.

Indeed she is an unforgettable character.

We both sat in silence feeling the salty breeze coming off the pacific, with the splashes of waves and the honks of cars as our background music.
This view was inspirational for me,I should come here often.
We standing close to each other, our shoulders almost touching.
My fingers brushed her fingers, sending tingles all over my body.
I had no idea what I really wanted but I felt that right now I needed her to be beside me, as long as she can be.

"Do you know why I always come here?" She asked her voice a little distant.
I looked her to see her eyebrows furrowed into worry and her face a little sad, smile faltering.
"I don't, but I would like to know." I answered.
I was curious.
I wanted to know her since we met the second time, our first proper meeting last month in the morning at my house.
I wanted to know the reasons behind her fake smiles that hid pain.
I wanted to know the stories hidden behind her brown orbs.

She turned to look at me already staring her.
Hey eyes held the tears but she didn't let it roll down instead she took a deep breath and smiling said," it's the place Miss D'Souza found me."

Then it clicked those smiles and hidden stories could be of the girl who grew up without parents.
She indeed grew up with the mother figure but not the real mother.
I held her left hand in mine, making her face me.
Entwining our fingers, I spoke " Everything happens for best and Allah is the planner, he knows what's good for us."
Tucking the hair behind her ears with my right hand I asked, " so you come here to feel closer to your parents?"

She removed her hand from mine and looking back at the sunset she replies," that and also I come here with the hope that one day they will come here looking for me."

That sentence was unjustified, even if there was one percent chance her parents might come looking for her here in this bridge but after all those years how would they recognize each other?
They left a baby Zoya not an adult to recognize her in instant.
But I didn't tell her all that instead I spoke," well let me take you to the place I love the most?"

She nodded, as we headed towards my car.
The place I was going to show, nobody knew it not even my ex-girlfriend Kiara or my bhabhi Mehreen.
But I feel, she should see it because we both somehow share the same sorrows yet somehow she faces them with a smile while I face them with beer and vodka.


We reached my fave place after about the drive of fifteen minutes.
It was the place where I would go whenever I would miss my mum.
She left the world 10years before when I was still in my teens.
I was fourteen back then.

We walked on the beach, leaving our footprints behind on the grains of sand,we had taken off our shoes to walk barefoot on the beach.
The air was a little damp, making Zoya shiver a little.
I took off my maroon hoodie and offered her.
"No you don't have to!" She shyly spoke aware of my now naked torso.
I still gave her the hoodie, and after alot of persuasion she had to take it.

The hoodie on her looked somewhat perfect even though it was a little too big for her, with the dropped shoulders and long sleeves that hid whole her hands.
Putting my hands inside the pocket of my jeans I spoke," here it is!" I pointed towards a huge stone and led her towards it.
Climbing the stone, helping her.
We both sat on it, close enough to feel each other's body warmth.

"Whenever I miss my mum,I always come here and stare at the stars,It's relaxing." I state.
"It's beautiful, more than the sunsets i always watch." She says.
I look at her staring the stars above, the moonlight accentuating her face, which glowed with Glee happiness.

I laid down on the stone, she followed suit, both of us staring the stars.
"Tell me about stars Asad," she spoke.
I feel she wanted to lighten the atmosphere around us.
She could notice how sad I felt?
How i had started missing my mum after coming here?

I looked at her confused and answered," I don't know anything about stars."

"Lucky for you, I know about stars." She chuckled.
I smiled at her still staring at the sky.
The star shone brightly like little diamonds adorning the black sky.


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