Chapter Nine

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You are the moment before the sun sinks into the horizon. The transient light - the ephemeral hues set against the fading, fading sky.


Zoya's P.O.V.

I was happy to have my own room.
It was almost evening, the sun starting to set in a flood of scarlet and gold.
I stood near my wall-to-wall window, staring at the city.
The city lights sparkled like Swarovski crystals.
Ruby red, Amber orange, emerald green and Amethyst purple gems dotted the darkened land, flickering the flamer.
It felt like the lights were taking turn to breath.

Being in state of living on your own had alot of advantages than the orphanage.
With the mention of the orphanage i remembered.
"Oh I haven't called Miss D'Souza yet."
I said to myself.
Picking up my phone from the bedside table, I dialled her number and talked with her for almost an hour.

Had to hung up cause then it was their dinner time there. In the orphanage we always used to have lunch by seven and by nine everyone of us would be in room.
I always loved following that time table but I guess now that am on my own living under this roof, I would have to live by the rules of Mr. Asad.

Who was just a stranger but now happens to be the owner of the room I'll be living in.
There was a soft knock heard on my closed door.
Keeping my phone aside, I went towards it to answer.

It was Asad.

"Hey?" I asked.
From what I saw last time, he now looked more handsome.
He had his dark blonde hair in a mess, little Tufts scattered here and there,practically defying gravity.
As if he passed his hands hundredths time through it before coming here,but it looked amazing and accented his light tanned skin.

He then shook his head and replied, "hey! Umm.. hungry?"
He seemed nervous.
He kept on rubbing his nape and looked at his foot.
I smiled and nodded," yeah very, the dinner is ready?"

He looked at me, I felt him smile but as I looked at his face, it was replaced by a smirk.
"The dinner isn't ready yet, you will have to help."he stated.

Oh! Ofcourse, I was the one who said that.
Even though I don't know cooking, I could help him in something.

Like for example, I knew how to shape cookies with cookie cutter, but he won't be making that for dinner.

Umm...yeah! I coul help him spread peanut butter on the bread...and it could be eaten as dinner but...but it's too light and right now? I am famished.

I followed him to the kitchen unsure of how I will help him.
Sitting on the stool beside the counter in the centre, I asked," how may I help?"

He headed towards the pan cabinets and removed it, he then wore a black and white checkered apron, that matched the kitchen a bit with the marbled counters.
"How about chicken biryani?" He asked.

"Oh!it's my favorite!" I cheered excitedly.
He rolled his eyes and handed me the onions," chop for me this into thin slices while I start to prepare the water for the rice."saying that he headed towards the stove and started doing his chore.

"I.. I will chop this o..onions?" I asked.
Allah! If only he knew that I don't know how to cut any vegetables.
Without looking at me he spoke," ofcourse you will cut it, remember you said you'll help?"

I rolled my eyes at his snarky remark and replied," ofcourse I will do it, I do remember, I am not forgetful."

Staring at me he smiled teasingly and said sarcastically," aww! That's so good to know."
He then turned and started doing whatever he was doing before.

Luckily for me, I was able to peel the skin off but now the chopping part was the most hardest.
I tried, giving my full concentration onto the onions, but it kept on sliding away.
Suddenly I yelp.
"Ahhh!" The knife slipped across the chopping board and sliced into the pad of my left index finger. I watched a thick swelling of dark blood grow, tremble, then slip down toward the  marbled counters.

Upon hearing my voice, Asad came rushing asking with worry," are you ok?" I nodded tears brimming at the edge of my eyes.
He made me stand up and rushed me towards the sink.
He pushed the white-enameled lever on the moon faucet, and cold water splashed out onto my sliced finger,making me hiss in pain.
The pinkish coloured water then splashed on the hard white surface of the mirror-stone sink.
The roar of it, sounded muffled and far away like a waterfall hidden deep in dark, green woods.
I was now crying silently.
Tears drying up on my cheek, closing the faucet, he then headed toward one of the cabinet and removed first aid kit.
Taking my hand in his, he first cleaned the cut with Dettol and then kept band-aid for me.

Sighing he said," if you didn't know anything to do, why did you suggest to help?"
I thought he would be angry but he wasn't.
He seemed just curious.

"I..I..thought if you knew that I didn't know anything to do with the kitchen then you won't let me live and I really needed a place to stay."
He nodded while I continued," plus living with someone I know is better than living with a stranger in an unknown city."

He chuckled heading towards the counter to clean the spilt blood and said," so you think you know me?"
I gulped and said," not much but we both know each other's families, like you know the orphanage and I know Mehreen Bhabhi and Vinay."

He chuckled and said sarcastically," yeah right! And that's enough to know about each other to live together."

I dejectedly sat on the stool while pouting I muttered,"am sorry."

Just then he hissed in pain and now it was my turn to ask," are you ok?"
He nodded," yes it's nothing but ... Did .. did you sign the agreement?"

Oh no! What would I reply now?


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