Chapter Thirteen

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Author's note:

I honestly don't like author's note, but I need this to be there..
Cause we finally have a ship name...
And the ship name is?...
Drumroll please...


Thanks to @candyland77

Ok now you can continue reading the chapter...
Thanks so much for showing love to this book ❤️


Where there is ruin there's hope for a treasure ~ Rumi


Zoya's P.O.V.

I made my way down the broad curved staircase with designed iron railings.
Forming an intricate designs on each sides of the staircase.
Faintly, from the kitchen below I could hear the hummings and the chatter of some utensils.

I stood by the entrance admiring the scene ahead with a smile.
He was on the counter, cutting the crust off the sandwich bread slices and began arranging them in a perfect,intricate pile; some creamy-coloured cheese on the bottom, with pale pink patty and then juicy lettuce accompanied with grated carrots and circular sliced tomatoes, so the platter looked like an architectural model of a ten-million dollar beach house.
He was still in his pyjamas, for an adult like him, those pyjamas weren't appropriate.
He wore Spiderman printed pyjamas with a plain white v-necked T-shirt.

He is a great cook, I wish I could cook like him.
But, not everyone is lucky enough.
And I? Never!
I could burn water!
He had still not noticed my presence at the entrance and was just busy humming and shaking his hips a little at the tune.

"I think I might know this tune," I spoke casually startling him.
"Hey! When did you arrive here?" He asked.
The morning sun bathed the entire kitchen in it's glorious light, I tried to ignore how flawless he looked under the sunlight.
Smiling I replied," long enough to see you making that sandwiches." I pointed towards the black plate on the counter.

Shaking his head he continued with aligning another sandwich.
"Well?" I asked sitting on the stool beside the counter opposite him.
"Huh?" He muttered unsure.
"Which tune were you humming?" I asked again.

If we both are now living together then we need to be comfortable around each other.
While arranging the lettuce he answered," umm.. it's little things by the.." and before he could finish his sentence I spoke," by one direction, ofcourse I know the tune, one direction were my fave band."

He smiled agreeing," yeah their songs are still the best."
I smiled seeing him smile.
It was one of my motto to always make other people happy no matter what.

"Can I help?" I asked even though I knew that he will not trust his kitchen with me. I laughed mentally at myself.
But to my surprise he nodded," yeah if only you could pour the tea into the cups," he then added "if you can do?"

I laughed, my laughter ringing around the kitchen and spoke," I only don't know chopping and anything to do with the stove the rest chores you can trust me with it."
He chuckled back and joked," wouldn't want to risk it though."
"Ofcourse!" I replied smiling and headed towards the steaming hot pot of tea.
It scent was minty, and refreshing.

I poured out two cups of the hot, fragnant liquid and put them on a small lacquer tray, then headed to set down on the dining table.
He brought the sandwiches and a giant jug full of strawberry milkshake.
Seeing the yummy breakfast my mouth watered and a low growl was heard from my stomach.
I hope he did not hear my stomach growl like a wolf, I looked up to see him busy arranging the plates.

Alhamdulillah! He didn't hear the growl.
Thanking the lord above I sat on the chair opposite him.
And was about to eat when he stopped me.

Is he stopping me because I forgot to say Bismillah?
Ya Allah! How could I forget?
I muttered the prayer before eating when he spoke," have you had your medicines?"

Keeping the sandwich back on the plate I said," yeah.. you remembered?"
He nodded taking a bite from his sandwich.

I hardly mentioned my medicine the other day, I doubted anyone would have remembered.
But he did.

"Well what are those medicine for?" He asked, I could see curiosity in his eyes.

Well well Mr. Asad curiosity killed a cat so nop you are not to know anything about the medicines.

"Personal question." I muttered with my mouth full of the bite I just took off my delicious chicken brawn sandwich.
He was indeed a very great cook.

Licking off the Mayo from his lips with the swipe of his tongue he spoke," ok! Then the agreement?"

I gulped hard the morsel and it went the wrong way and fits of cough started, he handed me my glass of milkshake and spoke, his voice a little stern," you can't dodge from it for long."

Taking a sip of the milkshake, I nodded answering," actually I.. I haven't read yet. "
"What?!" Spilling his sandwich fillings on his T-shirt.
Picking up the fallen lettuce from his lap, he kept it in his mouth and stated," but that agreement has only few words to read! Why haven't you read yet?

I looked anywhere but him, and didn't answer anything.
"what's wrong? "He asked his voice a little calm.
"each time I start to read i get this bad headache,"I replied taking another bite of the sandwich.

Sighing, and passing his left hand through his hairs, he muttered," fine I'll read it out for you then, ok?"
My eyes lit up hearing that.
I loved listening to people read.
I nodded smiling and continued with my breakfast.


Am really sorry for a short chapter and uploading the chapter late than expected.
This week I had been super busy . So I hope you understand.. but I'll make up to it.. inshallah..
Meanwhile keep on supporting


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