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Jason's pov:

"and I want to..sleep. Bye!" she said before leaving the stage. I was confused. Wait till I tell Dick about this, he'd fucking regret making me go in his place.

Bruce was here though that means we both heard this. His eyes met mine and I nodded. I followed her out the room.

"So, that was a show.." I smiled. It was only the two of us in the hallway. She looked up at me and just..burst into tears. "Woah woah woah, you okay?"

"I just fucking embarrassed myself. And I just..Fuck." She weeped. She was hiding something.

"What happened?"

"N-nothing. It's..." She paused. "It's fine." She sniffed and sighed.

"I probably look a mess right now, huh?" And if I'm being honest, she did. Her face was still beautiful though, it was just her obvious black tears.

"No, you look gorgeous." I said in attempt to cheer her up.

"Stop lying."

"Meg, you look fine!" I smiled, more genuine this time.

"Then drive me home please? I mean..if you..have a car?" She asked.

I sighed.

Bruce wouldn't mind right?

"How can I say no to a face like that..lets go." I took her by the hand and began walking down the car park. Bruces car had some weird techy shit so if we stood 1 metre from the car, it would unlock. I opened her seat and then sat in the drivers seat.

And soon enough, we were driving across the city. Music filled the car as we weren't really talking.

"So..how was life abroad? When you were 13?" She asked.

Fucking hell.

"It was alright, I guess. I felt...reborn..Yeah you could say that." I sighed. She turned to me.

"You're lying.." there was a smile in her voice. She was eager to know more and I was eager to get away from this conversation.

"I'm not."

"You are..Let me guess: you got arrested?"


"You guessed it!" I fake laughed. She rolled her eyes. "One day I'll tell you the truth."

"So..how have you been these years?" I asked.

"Well..a lot of shopping. And going to B-I's headquarters..tiring." she yawned.

I pulled up to her place.

"This is me.." She sighed. "Thanks. We should catch up."

"It's your birthday soon, right?" I asked.

"How'd you remember?"

"I'm not stupid."

"Well yes, it is!" She giggled.

"Cool. I'd love for you to spend it in the iceberg lounge..if you want to, of course.." What the fuck am I saying?

"I'll think about it." She smirked as she got out of the car. "Thank you, Jason."

Her voice was so sultry and silk. If voices had a fabric, hers would be satin. The way my name rolled off her tongue...Beautiful.

"No problem." and I drove off.

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