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Megan's pov:

Morning came. I twisted and turned but I didn't feel Jason. I sat up, rubbed my eyes and got put of bed. Realising how naked I was, I looked everywhere for Jason's t shirts. Shit, I should've brought a bonnet or head scarf or something. My hair looks a mess now..

I yawned and walked out of Jason's room.

"Morning.." I tiredly smiled. He looked at me with a look that I can't put my finger on. He looked sad?

"Meg..I'm so sorry.."


"Your father..he..was caught up in a fire and..he..passed.." Jason said.

Is that what they're calling it? He died in a fire? Please..

I just stood there and frowned slightly. I wanted to show I didn't care but that would make me look suspicious.

"A..a fire?" I softly spoke.

Jason pulled me into a hug.

"Your butler...He told me to tell you..I'm so sorry.." Jason sighed.

I just stood there. No tears, no nothing. I put my clothes from last night back on and walked towards the door.

"Uhh..bye." I sighed and walked out. I walked downstairs and rode on my motorcycle back home.

Slamming the mansion door shut, I sighed. God, I hate walking in here. I should leave here. Too many bad memories.

"Let me at least start looking like I care." I whispered to myself.

The next few days were hell. I had regular meetings with people from Black industries. The people there were like James unfortunately. I'd be the new CEO of the company so they were just taking me through things.

I had to arrange a funeral and get a dress for it and pay for it. Pretending to feel sad was a bore. Because I didn't feel a bit of remorse. Not one bit.

The day of the funeral came and I had to get ready. I woke up and showered instantly. I wore my black dress with matching black heels, my hair slicked back in a tight ponytail.

"Oh..hey.." Jason was there as I walked downstairs. "You okay?"

"Yeah..just tired. I haven't had much sleep." I sighed.

"Sorry.." He stroked my shoulder. "The driver will be here to pick you up."

"Aren't you coming?" I asked.

"I'll get there by myself.." he smiled and I smiled back.

I walked outside and waited for a car to take me there. Finally, it arrived and we were off.

The church was packed full of people. Some I knew, some I didn't.

I sighed taking in the sight. But then I felt someone hold my hand. It was Jason.

"I'm right here." He squeezed my hand and I squeezed back.

I walked past all the people as they all gave sympathetic looks at me. I hated it. I walked to the front seats of the church and sat down

Shortly, the service started. A few words were said and then it was my turn to speak.

With a deep breath, I got up and stood at the podium.

"Good morning..Thank you all for coming. You guys..are kind people that I knew meant dear to this family." I cleared my throat. "Umm.. I don't know what to say. I'm sorry." My voice was shaky.

I just stood there like an idiot. I don't think this was an act anymore..I couldn't move or breathe. Every little sound played so loud in my ears and I couldn't do it. I had anxiety attacks like this ever since I was young and mom always knew how to make them better but now she's not here. I don't know what to do.

"Meg.." I looked to my left and saw Jay holding his hand out for me. I took his hands and walked down the stand. Everyones eyes were on me. I hated it. I hated this. I hated everyone in this room.

I walked out of the church and sat in the car. Not without Jason following me out, though.

He knocked on the car door.

"Meg..what's wrong?"

"I don't know..I..can't breathe.." I held my chest as it heaved up and down.

He opened the car door and sat beside me.

"You're fine. You're okay. Look, breathe with me..okay?" He held my hands in his. Jason stayed with me like that, inhaling and exhaling for 10 minutes or so. I didn't even notice the time go.

Soon after, I was okay.

"I'm so sorry, Meg. I-"

"Enough with the apologises. Please.." I said with my eyes shut. "Let's just go.."

We went back inside and stayed till the service was over. We went outside and buried him.

Rot in hell.

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