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Megan's pov:

"Mmm..Jay..?" I whispered. Then I noticed his body wasn't next to mine. I sighed as I got up. I brushed my teeth and walked to my walk in closet. When I opened the closet door, I was met with the chalk board I had.

There, a photo of a few of the men I had to kill. I say had to because honestly I had to. These men were bad..if not worser than my father. I just know it. But no, they get praised as the wealthy Gotham men.

Aleister Wright.
William Fritziland
Bruce Wayne
Alexander Daniels

All these Men. I just want to stop them from hurting anyone else. There's so many more to kill, but these for now. I know Aleister traded James guns and weapons, hence why all of James' men had weapons on them all the time.

"Hello?" Aleister picked up the phone sounding already annoyed.

"Hello, Aleister. I was wondering if you would fancy dinner? So we can talk about a few things." I spoke.

"About what?"

"Trades. Just business stuff." I said.


"Good, I'll text you the restaurant." I hung up the phone and sighed. This could end up really bad. I don't know if he has weapons of his own or if he's trained but we'll see.

Later that day, I put on a black strapless dress and some heels and headed out to the restaurant in which I'd speak to Aleister.

"You're early.." I said to him as I found him sitting in the restaurant.

"Well I've got stuff to do..I kinda wanna get this out the way so.."He folded his arms.

We ordered our food and began talking.

"So..what exactly do you...did you trade to James?" I asked.

I already knew what the answer was. I just wanted to see if he would lie to me on his last day to live.

"Your father? Hmm..just resources.." He let out a slight chuckle and returned to his food.

"Nothing illegal?"

"What? Do I look like someone who fuckin sells drugs?" He furrowed his brows.

Yes, you do.

"Never said that, Mr Wright." I smiled.

"Excuse me, I need to take this call." He got up and walked out the restaurant. Now's my chance.

I felt around for the pills in my bag.

"Fuck, where are they..?" I muttered. I finally felt it and pulled it out. I opened one and put it in his drink.

Now we wait.

He came back and we eventually finished our meals and drinks.

"My stomach..wow.." he groaned. "I feel sick."

"Oh..would you like me to take you home?" I smiled.

"Ehhh...sure. Whatever."

I payed the bill and guided him back to his car. I sat in the drivers seat and him in the passenger seat. I made sure all camera footage from the cctv would show yesterdays night and not this night.

"Fuck..It hurts so fucking bad.." I groaned.

"It's gonna be a lot worse.." I murmured. I drove back to his mansion. "Is your wife home?"

"She's on a holiday with her girlfriends or some shit." He took of his seatbelt and began to make his way into the house. I followed him in and locked the door.

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