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Megan's pov:

I showered and got ready for my dress fitting. Jason would be coming with me thankfully. Since this is a masquerade ball, my dress would be more detailed and difficult to make. The theme is what I want to stick to.

I waited outside for Jason to pick me up.

"Hey!" He smiled as he pulled up. He got out of his car and walked towards me.

I think he was leaning in for a kiss or a hug but I just went for the second option and wrapped my arms around him.

"How have you been?" I smiled.

"Same old.." He broke the hug to open my door. I thanked him with a smile and sat in the passenger seat.

"So..dress fitting?"

"They're gonna see how the dress looks on me. And if it even looks right on me." I smiled.

"Ahh, I see." He chuckled.

"Well..don't you have to get your suit tailored?" I asked.

"Already did that." He smirked.

The breeze flew past my face as I lowered the window taking in this nice, hot weather.

"I wanna go to the beach.." I sighed. "I've never been, you know?"


"Yeah..Life has been..weird for me. I'm still finding a way how to cope. And you know, I'm still trying to become a better person. I know I'm no angel, and I've come to terms with that. I'm not really a good person." I chuckled under my breath.

"Meg, don't say that. You are a good person."

"Nah..I'm really not.." I chuckled. "I'm sorry, I just dumped this all on you." I shifted in my seat. That's the most I've told anyone on how I felt. I felt uncomfortably comfortable. Like even with all the awkwardness, I could still talk to him.

"So what do you like, pretty boy?" I squished his cheeks slightly.

"Dogs. Love them." Jason smiled.

"I can't do dogs. I'm so scared of them."

"You're just being a pussy. They're great." Jason rolled his eyes. "Literally, I should take you to see our dog."

"You have a dog?" I furrowed my brows. I hadn't seen a dog in his apartment.

"Yeah, In Bruce's house...Manor...whatever. Anyways, do you like..wanna..meet them?" Jason asked.

My smile slowly dropped as he went on to talk about how great Alfred, his butler, and Bruce was.

"Bruce is annoying but you know, who isn't.." He groaned. "I like your braids." He ran his fingers through my braids with his other hand.

"Thank youu. I worked hard on them." I flicked my braids back and smiled.

"You did them yourself?"

"Well, yeah. Not to be rude, but no one really knows how to do box braids around here. So I learned myself. It sucks tho, that no one know how to to hair for black women but it's alright." I giggled.

Jason just stared at me with wide eyes.

"You're literally so amazing..what the fuck.."

We arrived at the place and entered the building.

The lady who made the dress for me guided me to the dressing room where she helped me put the dress on. She had to tie the corset and God, did she tie it tight. I could only just breathe.

"Beautiful.." I whispered as my fingers trailed down to the fabric of the dress. I smiled and twirled a little. I practiced how I was going to dance at the ball and closed my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I opened my eyes quickly and saw Jason grinning.

"Fuck..don't scare me like that.." I groaned.

"The dress looks nice." He stepped towards me and laid his hands on my waist.

"Does it?" I smirked.

"Duh..You could wear a bin bag and I'd still fall for you.."

What? Fall for me?

"Anyways, get out. I need to change out of this." I laughed as I motioned to the dress.

"Wait..give me a spin." Jason smirked. I rolled my eyes and span for him. Jason let out cheers as I did so.

"You look beautiful." He said.

My cheeks went hot as I took in his compliment.

"Jason, goooo..I have to change.."

"I can help.." He whispered.

I looked at him with a smile. All he needed to do is help take the corset off. The rest, I could do by myself.

"Okay.." I turned my back to him and moved my hair. "Untie it please."

Jason went to go lock the door and came back to untie the corset. And when it finally came off, I let out a relieved sigh.

I felt Jason unzip the dress from behind me. I smiled a little but held in any laughter. His big hands took the dress off from my shoulders and took it off me. I was only in my underwear underneath.

I stepped out've the dress and looked him in the eye with a smile.

I grabbed his face and pulled him into a heated kiss. He grabbed my jaw so he could kiss me deeper. I practically melted under his touch.

His hands traveled down to my bra as he unclipped it with one hand. I palmed his crotch and kissed his neck, leaving some hickeys. Jay had his thumbs around my panties, ready to pull them down.

"Uh uh.." I smirked. "Let's wait till after the party.."

Jason groaned.

"You got me all hard and for what?" He said and I laughed. I put my clothes back on and we left the building.

Whenever I was with Jason, I forgot about everything. Everything wrong with my life. Being CEO, Domino..everything. Just me and him.

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