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Megan's pov:

I woke up in my room. As I shifted around, I felt how badly I was injured. It hurt so badly. Why did I wake up? I should've just stayed in wherever I was.

I couldn't even cry. I checked my phone and saw Jason's text messages.

Jay :)

Hey I'm outside!            

I'll wait don't worry :)

Restaurants closing but we can get chinese?

Gonna head to bed Goodnight :)

Tears left my eyes as I read the messages. Fuck this. I can't do this anymore. I closed my eyes and tried drifting to sleep again.

I opened my eyes. I was in a dining room of some sort. I wore a beautiful gown that had a corset tugging on my waist.

"Finally." She said sitting at the other end of the table. The woman's head face down and I could only see her hair droop down on her face.

"Who are you?" I asked, curious.

The head rose up to look at me.

It was me.

But I had one black eye and one white eye. My lips were black and it looked like she messily smudged black eyeshadow around her eyes.


Her eyes met mine almost instantly. It scared me. Her stare was menacing.

"What..where is this?" I looked around.

"Shut up a second." She rolled her eyes. "Ooh dinner's ready."

Suddenly, a plate appeared in front of me. But I wanted to scream when I took it's lid off.

James' decapitated head was on the plate staring me in the eyes. His skin, pale.

"You like the sight, huh?" She laughed as she sipped the black wine.

I looked back at her. She rolled her eyes and got up. She got on the table and crawled towards me.

"You're not dumb, are you?"


"Kill him then." She took my fork and stabbed it down on his head.

"You've endured so much pain..You didn't have to go through that. It was not your fault. You know your worth. Take it back." She whispered into my ear.

But then, she pushed my chair back. I was expecting to hear the sound of the chair hitting the floor but I didn't.

I opened my eyes and it felt like I was floating. Just a black void.

"Megan RUN!"

Mom? I felt like I was out of my body. I didn't feel a thing. Just..space.

Then I saw a piano on fire. Without even noticing that I was in a room now, I approached the flaming instrument. I could touch it. I played a beautiful song.

Then the chords came off. They just bounced off.

I turned around and there she was again.

"You're not weak. You're strong. But you have to be stronger. You are better than all these people. James, Jason, Bruce Wayne, that fucking butler..everyone. Mother wouldn't be happy seeing you slack off. Fucking do something m. Or are you a weak whore like your father said.

She sat me down on a chair..no it was like a throne. But piled up beneath it were dead bodies everywhere. i couldn't tell the faces but I assumed they were James' men.

"We will face many people in this life. But I swear to you, Megan, we will never feel defeated again."

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