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Megan's pov:

I planned for the next two days or so how I would kill him and get away with it. I couldn't just stab him and hide the body...no that would be sloppy.

I had to be smart about this, I have to make sure no one traces this back to me.

James would be in his second home. His dirty business home basically. There would be some guards around that place so I had to think really hard about how I'd get in.

I found some equipment and made a bulletproof costume and mask so no one would identify me. Now my hair..well..I'd order a wig. A white wig. and contacts too.

Disabling the alarms and cameras was a pain in the ass. Trying to break down their tech was quite hard too, but I pulled through.

James stupidly had silent pistols in this house so I would use these to kill him and anyone that got in my way. However, I had a crowbar and a wrench for some other things.

Now, I was inside the house. I already took out all the guards outside so I think I was fine.

Thank God I remembered mom's tricks and techniques. I shot all the guards in the house, one by one. Is this how mom felt when she was saving me?

Finally, I reached his office.

"And who the fuck are you?" He stood up.

"I'm your worst mistake." I said.

He laughed. "Yeah cut the act, what? Are you gonna kill me? ooh so scared!"


I shot him in the knee. His hands quickly reached for his wound holding it tightly. I saw the pain in his eyes. The same pain I saw in my own eyes when he would hurt me.

"You..fucking bitch!"

"You know what I hate about men like you? They get too big headed. They a kill a few people and then think they are God. Nope. You have evil running through your veins, James. You are an evil man that deserves to die. And I hate evil people." I walked closer to him.


I took off that stupid wig and mask.

"Hello, father." I smiled. The same man who was teasing me and mocking me all those years now looked frightened.

"Look..What do you want?"

"I wanna talk. A nice Father daughter talk."

The next few minutes we spent in silence. We sat on the couches he had in his office, his blood staining the fabric. I poured wine into two glasses. One for him. One for me.

"Why did you do it?"


"Kill her. Why?"

He sat there in silence. I could hear his heart racing and then he finally spoke.

"I had to take her out first." He muttered.


"I had to kill her before she killed me. And I know she could if she wanted to. We spent all those years trying to find you and then we did."

"Are you telling me you killed her because you were scared?" I tilted my head to make sure I was hearing correctly.

He sat in silence.

"Answer me!" I slammed my fist onto the table.

"Yes! Okay?! I was fucking scared! Is that what you wanna hear?" He yelled back.

I can't believe it. If only she could hear this. I started laughing. Because it was funny? Yes. But also because I couldn't wait to see him dead.

"You're a disgusting human being. You hurt people...families, and for what? Because you're scared."

And all of a sudden, he lunged at me. The couch fell backwards and we were both on the floor. I got up quickly and began punching him. My fist hit his face repeatedly but then he kicked my stomach.

I fell onto the floor. No Meg, get the fuck up. He was on top of me and he punched me and punched me. I didn't notice the shard of glass from the wine bottle in his hand.

But when I did, I knew I was gonna die. Is this it? Goodbye, Miss Black. Knowing him, he'd arrange my funeral like it's nothing. I wonder what Jason would say at my funeral? Probably something dumb, huh?

But then, I felt my gun near my hand.

"You stupid bitch! You thought you could kill me? You rot in hell with your mother sick bitch!" And he was going to stab me.


His body fell on top of me. His blood all over me. I pushed him off me and breathed heavily.

"Megan..Help your..your father....okay?" He breathily said.

My face was covered in my blood but my hands and chest was covered in his blood.

I got up from the floor, holding my surely broken rib. And with the gun in my hand, I pointed it at his face, straddling him.

"Don't point that at me stupid bitch!" He said.

"Oh I'm not gonna kill you with this.." I put the gun back in my pocket. I reached for my bag with the crowbar and wrench.

I hit him again and again and again. Swinging my arms up and back down on his stupid face again until it was unrecognisable. I unknowingly smiled as I did so, taking in the feeling.

Nothing was telling me that I couldn't feel this way anymore.

It felt good.

I got off him and sat on my knees. I threw my head up and sighed. It's finally over.

His face was gone, just blood everywhere. I was about to pass out but I knew I had to get out of there.

I walked out the house, breathing heavily. I threw my gun in the house, matched a lighter and set the house ablaze. I did it. I actually did it.

I walked back to my motorcycle and drove off to a nearby place where I could lay low.

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