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"If you're here that means your date did not go well

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"If you're here that means your date did not go well." I stated, having opened my front door to James. "What went wrong?" I asked as he walked in, running a hand over his face.

"She brought up Yori and his son... I walked out. I walked out on her." He told me, I stared at him.

"You walked out?"

"And then I went to Yori's apartment to tell him about his son but I saw his shrine and I..."

"You froze?" I asked him, he nodded.

"You could say that. I froze, paid him back for lunch today and left him as well." He told me, inviting himself to sit down at my dining table. Considering this was the first time he had been in my apartment he looked to be getting way to comfortable. But if that was the case then he must have had an exceptionally rough night, so I went into my fridge and took out two bottles of beer.

When I sat down across the small table from him I handed a bottle over which he took gratefully and opened straight away.

"I took flowers and she called it old-fashioned. How am I supposed to take that?" He asked me, I furrowed my brow.

"What do you mean?"

"Is being old-fashioned a good thing or a bad thing?" he asked me like I knew the answer.

"I assume good if you brought her flowers, I would be very happy if someone brought me flowers on our first date." I told him, making a judgement call.

"And why did I think more dancing would be involved?" He asked next, I leant back in my chair.

"I'm not sure why you think I would know the answer to that." I replied, he nodded.

"Fair enough."

"Is she nice?" I asked, he nodded.

"Yeah, she's great it's just... she asked how old I was and when I told her she thought I was joking." He told me next, I nodded as I took a sip of my beer.

"If you like her, then it could still work. It will just involve telling her who you are and..." I trailed off as he looked to his drink. He didn't want a solution, he just wanted to be distracted. "I know, we should play a game. One that involves drinking. And we need something stronger than beer." I said, looking to the cupboard above my fridge.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I can't get drunk, can you?" He asked, a genuine question.

"Whatever HYDRA did to me didn't do me any favours, but I'm Russian so I had a good head start." I said, walking to the cupboard and opening it to pull out bottles of Spirytus Vodka. I put four bottles onto the table, two each. "These are 95% alcohol, so we might not get drunk but if we drink fast enough we might feel something." I told him, smiling.



"And you just had four bottles on hand?"

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