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It had been a week and a half since I had helped Sam with the boat. Since then I had nursed most of my plants back to health, I had gone to the gym almost every day and hadn't spoken to Bucky once. I wish I could say that it was easy to do that, but the idiot had been following me for that whole week and a half. I'm not sure if he thinks that I don't know yet but you have to do a lot better than wear a hooded jacket and a cap to hide from me.

I took a deep breath as I walked down the street, he was approximately thirty-five feet behind me, far enough that I could lose him if I took a few sharp turns, but far too close to not know he was there. It would probably work for just about anyone else, I would say he was better than most but it didn't matter. I had my plan for today, so I would let it play out.

I assumed that he was following me for the same reason I followed him before we became friends. I had been scared to talk to him, maybe he felt that way right now. I knew I was. But I couldn't have him follow me anymore, it wasn't a good look for either of us. It made him look desperate and me look incompetent.

I'd had this idea for a few days, but I had wanted to see how much longer he would follow me for. I walked into the café and placed an order for two coffees, two cappuccinos since I still had no clue how he liked his coffee. He was waiting outside, head down using the peak of his cap to hide his face. I rolled my eyes as I turned back to the barista who was making my coffee.

They called my name out and I took the two takeaway cups. I then walked to one of their outside tables and sat down, placing my cup in front of me and the other in front of the empty seat the other side of the small table. I rubbed my face, slowly turning to look him dead in the eyes as I dropped my hand to the table. I could see him sigh from where I was seated and he walked over to me, taking the seat and immediately grabbing onto the coffee cup.

"A week and a half isn't bad." He said, I shook my head.

"Maybe if I didn't know you were there the entire time." I responded.


"You haven't been very subtle. You've been out on the bench across the street from my apartment when I'm home, thirty-five to fifty feet behind me when I've been walking, waiting across the road when I've been at the gym-"

"What was I wearing yesterday then?" Really?

"Same thing you're wearing today, exactly the same. Maroon hoodie, black jacket over it, black cap. The day before that it was a grey hoodie. Day before that it was all black. Day before that-"

"I get it." He cut me off, I tilted my head to the side.

"Do you?" I asked.

"Hey, you've followed me before. It's fair that I followed you as well."

"That was before we knew each other, or remembered each other or... whatever. Point is, we weren't friends then, I didn't know what you were like and I didn't know how you would respond to me." I told him.

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