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Of course Zemo had a flat in Latvia. Why wouldn’t he? And it was nice too. If I had more of a choice in what my apartment looked like it would resemble this place in some way. The stained glass windows, the colourful tiles... the dark kitchen. God, the kitchen was nice. And the bathroom... or the bath. The bath was beautiful and round and huge.

I think I disliked Zemo even more now.

“I’m going to use the bathroom.” Sam stated, heading towards the doors.

“Feel welcome to use the shower, that goes for everyone.” Zemo stated, I sighed. He made a point though, it had been a few days since I last showered. Sam looked at me and his eyes flicked to Zemo and back.

“I think I can babysit the Baron for a few minutes.” I told him, my hands in the pockets of my jeans. Sam nodded and went into the bathroom, closing the doors behind him.

“Would you like a cup of tea?” Zemo asked as he walked to the kitchen.

“I’m more of a coffee person.” I replied, both to keep him from thinking we were friends and to express my truth. I did prefer coffee.

“I still get the feeling you don’t like me very much.” He said, I stared at him.

“Oh, I apologise. You are my favourite human being to have ever existed throughout time and space.” I responded, Zemo took a deep breath.

“Why don’t you like me?” He asked, I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Do you want the list chronologically or alphabetically?” I asked.

“Because of James, then.” He really should have known that already. “And because I knew so much about you.”

“I don’t like it when people know more about me than I do.” I stated simply. “And I hate it even more when people use other people like a weapon instead of a human being. That’s what you did to James. And it’s what you’re doing to us now.”

“I don’t know-"

“You are using us to gain your freedom. You’re going to break for it at some point. I’ve already mapped out this place, not just with what I can see normally, but also with my powers. You have an escape tunnel under the bath tub. I’m going to tell you two things. First is that if you do run for it I will track you down. Second, even if I don’t find you, I can guarantee that the Dora Milaje will. You see, James didn’t just go for a walk, he noticed something I did. Wakandan tech. That means he’s talking to the Dora Milaje. Your time of freedom is short and I’ll make sure it’s not sweet.” I told him.

“You weren’t there for the little... civil war of the Avengers, were you?”

“I didn’t need to be there. You killed the King of Wakanda dressed as Bucky-"

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