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I took a deep breath. This would be easy. Just take the case, crack a joke and then leave. Easy done. I walked over to the dock where it seemed half the town was... or maybe more?

What were they all doing here?

Were they all here to help fix this boat?

I put the case down and walked to the back of a pick up truck where a hefty piece of machinery was sitting. Seemed like they didn’t know how to get it off. I grabbed onto it and started pulling it, getting the thing off the truck. The thing was damn heavy. I then put it down somewhat off to the side.

“You’re welcome.” I said as I picked up the case I had brought with me and put it on the back of the truck. “Just dropping this off. You can sign for it and I’ll go. I called in a favor from the Wakandans.” I said. Joke cracked, now I could leave.

“Sam!” I heard someone shout, when I looked to the boat I saw that a pipe had burst. Not a good sign. Sam ran over to it and I jumped in after him.

“Hi.” I said to the woman standing on the dock, the one who had shouted for Sam.

“Hi.” She replied. Maybe that was Sarah? I turned back to Sam who was struggling with the pipe.

“Hold on, hold on. You gotta go up.” I took the wrench from him and turned the knut the other way. The escaping air slowed down and eventually stopped.

“Why didn’t you use the metal arm?” Sam asked me, I stopped for a second.

“Well…” I looked at my metal hand. “I don’t always think of it immediately. I’m right-handed.” I explained, sounding kind of pitiful as I did. You would think by now I would think of it first, but no. Sam laughed at me. “So, this is the boat, huh?” I asked in an attempt to change the subject.

“This is it.” He replied. Maybe I could stay for a bit... my apartment was getting a little lonely.

“It’s nice. You want any help?” I asked. Please say yes.

“Yeah.” I looked up at the possible Sarah who was still checking things off of a list on the dock. She looked up from the list at me as Sam took a few steps away.

“I’m Bucky.” I introduced myself, smiling. It was the first time I had smiled properly in a while.

“Ah.” What does that mean? “Sarah.” My guess was right.

“Sarah…” I trailed off as I went to walk after Sam.

“Do you have any more of your superhuman friends coming? Two is fine, but like how much do they need to eat?” Sarah’s voice carried through the air. Two? Who else was here?

“They’ll be fine with a mortal portion, and no more to my knowledge.” Sam replied.

“Two? Who else is here?”

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