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Well, now I was angry. The fact that Karli had called Sam's sister and threatened her and his nephews... they were Sam's family, which meant they were mine. Or something like that. I don't know what they were to me, I just know that seeing Sam so worried made me so goddamn angry that I was ready to kill Karli myself. How would I feel if I had met Sarah and Sam's nephews before? It's probably best I hadn't or this city would already be turned to dust.

"Karli!" I had never heard such anger in Sam's tone before, we all saw Karli's head pop over the storey above so we all climbed the stairs. "You called my sister? That's how we're gonna play this?" Sam shouted into the building. All three of us were in our uniforms, Sam with his wingpack on, James his leather jacket with his metal arm out and me in my black and gold suit. All three of us were pissed. Sam walked towards her, James walked a small distance away and I stayed at the top of the stair well.

"Sam, I would never hurt her. I wanted to understand you better." Karli said, she made eye contact with me before looking to James. "I see you, um, didn't come alone."

"You have to end this now." Sam said simply.

"I don't want to hurt you. You're just a tool in the regimes I'm looking to destroy. You're not hiding behind a shield. If I were to kill you, it'd be meaningless." Karli said. What the actual fuck was that supposed to mean? "I was going to ask you to join me. Or do the world a favour and let me go." There was a pause as Sam looked to the screen on his wrist, Sharon must have been talking to him, giving a location on someone through the satellites she had access to.

"It's Walker." Sam stated, I looked to James who jumped over the balcony railing to get to the ground faster, but Karli jumped as well and threw her weight into him. It pushed him into one of the walls. Well... if I wasn't pissed before I was now. Sam flew down to get between Karli and James, I jumped over after him. He kicked Karli down for just a second.

"I'll send you the location. Go!" Sam shouted to me and James, I nodded and we ran while he took off into the air. We ran as fast as we could to get to the location that Sam had sent to us, we knew Karli was behind us.

"You know, I wasn't expecting you to get this angry for Sam's family!" James shouted as we ran.

"Is right now the best time for this?!" I shouted back.

"Yeah, why not?!"

"What did you think I was going to do?" I didn't yell, I genuinely wanted to know.

"I... I don't know." He replied, I rolled my eyes.

"Get back to me on that one." I said as we reached the right building. The second we started climbing the goddamn stairs to find someone one of the Flag Smashers jumped and landed on James. Another was standing at the top of the flight. James could handle the one who attacked him, I would have the other one. I pulled out my knife and threw it at the one at the top of the stairs before I slipped past James.

The knife landed in the Smashers shoulder.

"Before, I could almost get behind what you were doing. Now you've killed innocent people and threatened people I care about. I'm not going to go easy on you anymore." I said simply as I walked up to the Smasher. I kicked him in the chest before he could do anything to stop me, and punched him in the temple soon after. He fell to the ground in a heap, knocked out for now.

I looked down at James who had kicked his through a wall, very unconscious.

"Stay there." James joked before looking up to me.

"Didn't know you were a funny guy." I said with a smile on my face before I jumped down to stand next to him.

"I used to be, before Hydra." He told me, I nodded.

"It strangely suits you." I said before turning away from him. Why did I say that? We ran through the building until we found Walker and Sam fighting against a group of Flag Smashers. We jumped into the fight, James fighting someone with a knife and me someone who liked to use strength over speed. We both had ours down in a matter of minutes, James was then stopping one of the Flag Smashers from taking out Sam and it was then that Karli ran into the room.

Walker was being held by a Flag Smasher and Karli had a knife ready as she ran towards Walker. Shit. She was going to kill him. I went to do something but Hoskins got there first, tackling Karli to the ground which pissed her off. They both stood up and I watched as she punched him in the chest. The hit was so hard he flew threw the air into one of the pillars which cracked. Fuck.

He slumped to the ground and didn't move as the room went silent.

I used my powers to look at him, but his heart wasn't beating.

The Flag Smashers ran from the room as Walker went over to his friend, trying to get him to wake up. Repeating his name over and over. I kept an eye on Walker as he went still. He had taken the serum now, I could see it.

"Do something." Walker said as he looked at me. I dropped my powers.

"I can't bring people back from the dead, John." I told him, trying to be gentle with my words. James and Sam had already run after Karli, so I looked to Walker once more. "I'm sorry." I said before running after James and Sam. Although I had already lost them, apparently staying back to talk to Walker was enough time to give them a good head start.

Once I reached the ground outside I didn't know which way to go. I could hear Walker shouting, so I ran in his direction, looking up at the building we had just been in and seeing a shattered window. He had jumped.

When I caught up to Walker he had already struck the Flag Smasher in the chest with the edge of the shield. Blood was already everywhere and it was too late for me to stop him. The Flag Smasher was already dead.

He put the shield back on his arm and looked around at the hundred or so people who had just witnessed him kill a man using the shield. I walked towards him.

"What the fuck did you do?" I asked before I looked over at Sam and Bucky who had just broken through the crowd. The anger on James' face was indescribable, the same went for Sam's disappointment. I looked back to the bloodied shield before I looked into Walker's eyes.

There was no remorse.

But he bolted anyway.

I didn't stop him, I would let him have a head start.

I looked to Sam and James again. We would catch him and finally take the shield.

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