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I took a deep breath. Maybe if I kept calm enough they would disappear and leave us be. If I just kept my mouth shut, kept breathing...

“Uh-uh. No, no, no. This is a bad idea.” Walker said, we were in the building that Donya Madani's memorial was being held in. We were waiting for Sam to talk to Karli, in hopes it might calm her down and make her see what she’s doing. While Sam wanted to take the calm approach, Walker had been wanting a fight since he approached us.

“It hasn’t been ten minutes, John. Just sit tight.” James stated the obvious. That had been Walker’s compromise, ten minutes for Sam to talk to Karli. If that didn’t work we were going to do things ‘his way'.

“Don’t do that. Don’t patronize me.” Walker replied, I could feel my hands shaking.

“And what are you doing to us, exactly?” I asked, glaring at him. He went to reply but James cut him off.

“Sam knows what he’s doing.” James spoke, he was right.

“I’m going in.” I let out a deep breath as James blocked Walker’s path. “This is all really easy for you, isn’t it? All that serum runnin’ through your veins.” Walker added while looking James in the eyes. Now I had my jaw clenched. Excellent, I had already run out of patience. “Barnes, your partner needs backup in there. Do you really want his blood on your hands?” Walker asked. And there I go.

“His partner is fine in there, I can see him. Besides, if you want to go in there before the agreed time you are going to have to go through me.” I told him, walking to stand in between him and James. Which also meant I was conveniently in front of the stairs.

“Go through you? I’m right, and we know it. Wilson’s in danger.”

“I would not be standing here if I thought he was in danger.” I said through my teeth. Breathe. “And just because the government gave you that shield does not mean you’re right.” I added. “Now back off.”

“What are you going to do, huh?” He asked. I tilted my head to the side before I moved to stand less than two inches from him. “Intimidating me won’t work.”

“John, maybe you should back off. You did say ten minutes.” Hoskins spoke, maybe a little bit too late. I was already pissed off.

“No, I’m going in.” Walker stated, going to push past me... but I pushed him back. The shove forced him to take a few steps back to keep his balance.

“No, you’re not.” I said simply. “You will give him ten minutes like you agreed.”

“Or what?” Walker laughed as he spoke.

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