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(As maybe implied with above gif

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(As maybe implied with above gif... smut/sexual content warning for this chapter. Slow build so you can read until wherever you're comfy)


I woke up on a couch in a place I didn’t recognise. I could hear music through the walls, but it was only a faint beat in the distance. Where the fuck was I? More importantly, how did I get here? The room was expensive...

And my head was throbbing.

What happened?

We had talked to Selby, I used my powers to protect my friends and Zemo. Right, that would explain it. I lost control, and somehow I ended up here.

My chest suddenly tightened.

What if I did something to James or Sam?

“Shit.” I sat up and looked around the room in a panic. They weren’t here, fuck. Fuck.
I stood up and looked around, finding a note on the coffee table.

They’re okay. Choose some clothes and join the party. -Sharon

Sharon? Sharon Carter?

I relaxed, albeit only a little bit, and looked around the room once more. There was a dresser, so I walked over to it and opened it finding a few different options for clothes.

I pulled out the first thing I put my hand on and tried it on. It was a short, black, spaghetti strap dress. Maybe I should have actually looked before I grabbed something and put it on. I didn’t have time to change, if James was at this party I had to see he was okay for myself.

I looked in the mirror quickly.

If everything went to plan, someone would have used the trigger words to shut me down. Which means this was the first time I had woken up outside of Hydra without the hypnotisation and brainwashing in my mind. The idea that I could be free...

I found a pair of black heels and put them on before I stood up. I couldn’t think about being free, because if that wasn’t what happened then I would be crushing myself.

I walked towards the music, finding a room full of people and classic paintings. Everyone was dancing in the darkened room, except for a handful of people around the edges of the room. That was where I looked first, after seeing Zemo in the middle of the dance floor doing... some form of dance. I had to steer clear of that.

I saw James leaning on a table with Sam, I immediately walked over to them as relief flooded over me. Sam noticed me first.

“You’re awake.” Sam projected his voice just enough to be heard over the music.

“You could say that.” I said.

“Looking good.” He added, I smiled.

“You too.” I then looked to James who seemed frozen. Well, his body was, not his eyes. He didn’t seem to know where to look. “What?” I asked, he didn’t say anything. “What’s wrong with him?” I asked Sam, who shook his head and smiled.

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