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"I'm in position." I spoke to Sam and Bucky on the other end of the comms. I was the only one in the building, on the floor where they were having the vote. The building had been locked down, only I had been sent in so far.

"I'm almost there." Sam replied, I nodded before I realised no one I cared about could see me.

"Why am I the one inside? The only one inside?"

"Because you're the one who can disintegrate things with her mind." Sam reminded me.

"You know, with telekinesis." Bucky added, which I wasn't overly fond of, but he was fishing for a reaction so I wouldn't give him one.

"Ooh, you know that's the silent treatment right there." Sam said, I wanted to say some profane things in reply but thought it best not to considering the situation at hand.

"Could we get back to the plan?" I asked as I kept looking around the room. I couldn't quite put my finger in what was making me feel uneasy.

"Karli's got to be close, so we keep our eyes open." Sam said.

"It could be anybody."

"I've figured it out, I'm the stealthiest so that's why I was sent in." I said looking at the locked doors in front of me. I hadn't been given any instruction on what to do from here, just to get inside. How the hell was I supposed to get inside?

I heard something about Sam saying he called in backup and heard Sharon on the comms a moment later. That was something that wasn't sitting right with me. I couldn't trust her, something was stopping me.

"They'll move on the building soon. Be ready." I focused back in when I heard Sam's voice again.

"I feel like they already did but I will brace for impact." I said as I used my powers to look through the walls. I saw one person off to the side put something over their face and roll something on the ground. "It's going down now." I said, looking to the lock and going to open the doors but a rush of people came out instead. They were all evacuating. Smoke bombs. As people headed to one of the staircases a Flag Smasher blocked the way, I was about to take him down but a shield broke through the window and hit the Smasher square in the chest.

"He was clearly mine." I said as Sam flew in through the new hole in the windows.

"But my entrance needed some dramatic flair." He told me, I sighed as I looked around the hallway and started following the flow of people.

"Dramatic flair my ass." I said as I helped direct people to the staircase.

"Sharon, Bucky, what's going on your end?" Sam asked.

"Nothing, all quiet." Bucky responded, I shook my head.

"It doesn't make sense." I said to myself more than anyone else, Sam was distracted with another one of the guards so I had to ponder my own statement.

"What doesn't make sense?" Bucky asked me.

"If they were going to make an attack it would have been before the vote, if this is what they were aiming for it seems fairly... lacklustre." I said.

"That's a big word." Sharon replied, I rolled my eyes

"Accurate though, if I were a part of this group and I was trying to make a big show of how the governments agencies don't give a shit I wouldn't just smoke them out. It's a lot of build up for not a lot of bang. If it were me I would..." I trailed off as I realised exactly what was going to happen. "It's a misdirect. They're going to take the evacuation vehicles." I said as I began running to the stairs, I had to get down there before the Flag Smashers did.

"You guys are going to have to do something." Sam's voice was over the comms, when did I lose him? "Don't let them out of the building." I looked down the stairwell. It would take too long to run past all of the people who were being evacuated...

"I'm going to try getting to the garage before the evacuation groups get there, thing is I'll have to fly and I have not done that as myself before so this will either work or I will fall to my death." I said.

"Falling to death doesn't sound like a good option to me so please don't do that." I heard Bucky's voice.

"Surely it's like riding a bike, or maybe survival instincts will kick in. Either way, I'll figure it out." I responded, climbing onto the railing and balancing as I looked down the small hole in the stairwell. I took a deep breath. And another. I would be fine. Maybe. God, I hate heights. "You can do this, you're the goddamned Empress." I took a step off and started falling through the air, I held my hands by my sides and tried to levitate myself, blue and purple lights glowed around my hands as I felt my descent slow. I was doing it.

By the time I reached the bottom I was too far behind the people to stop them from leaving, I sprinted into the garage and ran behind them as they went to leave. I had to stop them. I threw my hands forward and focused my energy onto the vehicles, holding them in place. They can't leave. I can't let them leave.

"Miss Morozov! You have to let them evacuate, the building is compromised!" I heard a guard shout at me.

"The building is safest, Karli plans to take the vehicles!" I shouted back. When I looked over the guard had a gun pointed towards me. Right. He wasn't a guard, he was a Flag Smasher. "You already knew that." I said, trying to focus on holding the cars back. But now I had to make sure that this idiot didn't shoot me. I looked at him with my powers. He wasn't a Super Soldier, he was just a civilian with a uniform on to help in their fight. "If you leave now, I won't hurt you."

"I'm the one with the gun."

"I'm the one holding back two evacuation vehicles with my mind and I'm still able to concentrate on you." I told him, I watched his eyes flicker towards the trucks. He was realising the situation he had gotten himself into. "Do you really want to test me?" I asked next, dropping one of my hands and moving my power to make a shield over the exit of the garage. That meant I could focus more on the guy in front of me.

I heard a door open from one of the cars. Shit. The drivers, the guards in the vehicles. They all worked for Karli. I turned to look towards the vehicles. There were two more people with their torsos out of the vehicle windows with guns pointed towards me.

"Let us go, or we start killing them." One of them said, I took a deep breath. I could just vaporise all of them, the Flag Smashers. That would solve my issues. It would keep the people I needed to save here, it would get rid of the bad guys and I wouldn't get shot.

"A tough bargain." I said simply, still holding the shield of magic. "You're lucky I'm not particularly in the mood to kill anyone today." I said, dropping the wall I had made. "Go before I change my mind." I said, turning my full attention to the guy still pointing a gun at me. "That goes for you too." I added, he smiled and pulled the trigger. I held up a hand to make a wall of power around me, it stopped the bullet before I pushed the shield towards him with such speed that it knocked him off of his feet and knocked him unconscious.

"You let them go?" I heard Sharon ask with disbelief through the phone.

"We'll catch them. Besides, I wasn't going to let them start killing hostages." I said. Why was I explaining myself? I ran out of the garage, where Bucky rode towards me on a motorbike.

"Need a ride?" He asked me, I smiled.

"My knight with a shining arm." I joked, jumping onto the back of the motorbike and holding onto his torso as we took off.

"Haha, very funny." He replied.

"You know, I think that if I hadn't turned into a superpowered assassin I would have been a comedian." I said with almost too much conviction, luckily he sensed my sarcasm. He laughed.

"Yeah, sure."

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