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“You’re going to confront Sam?” I double checked, making sure I had heard him right

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“You’re going to confront Sam?” I double checked, making sure I had heard him right.

“He's not answering the phone, so yes.” James responded as he walked into my apartment. I wasn’t sure why he was here if that was his plan.

“So, you saw Walker’s interview then…” I whispered to myself more than anything else. I thought he had calmed down about this whole situation, but that interview with Walker must have triggered James again. The only thing it made me do was wonder why the interview took place at Walker’s old high school. “Maybe you should think about this-"

“He gave up Steve’s shield!” James shouted. Something was wrong, the pain in his eyes was more than just the loss of his friend.

“I’m sure he has a good reason.” I tried to calm him down.

“Steve chose Sam, not whoever this Walker guy is.” He responded, I took a deep breath.

“James-" He froze as I spoke his name, come to think of it... I think it was the first time I had addressed him as such.

“Please, call me Bucky. My friends call me Bucky, Zola called me James.” He told me, I nodded slowly.

“Bucky, Sam wouldn’t do this without reason.” I said calmly, he stopped for two seconds and looked at me.

“Well I’ll go and ask him about it then.”

“Then why are you here? At my apartment?” I asked next, he didn’t really seem to have an answer.

“I don’t know.” He told me.

“Did you want me to come with you?” I asked him, he seemed to think about it for a moment.

“I think so, yeah.”

“To be your lackey in this fight you’re going to pick with Sam?” I checked, he thought about it but shook his head in defeat. “Hmm, I’m glad you realised that I wouldn’t do that. But I am very bored, and I do need to actually talk to people.”

“You’ll come with me?”

“Why not?” I replied, crossing my arms over my chest. “Where are you ambushing him?” Judging from his expression he didn’t like the way I had phrased the question. I didn’t really care, it seemed appropriate.

“He’s on a base, not too far from here.” He told me.

“So, he’s working?”

“I... yeah.”

“Expecting to tag along on something then?” I asked next, he stared at me for a second.

“I might have a bag packed just in case...” He trailed off.

“You know what, I’ll pack a bag too.” I said, walking towards my bedroom.

I think I had concealed my excitement well, the idea of being on the field even if only temporarily had seemed too far away to grasp for too long. Was what I was about to do illegal? Only if I donned my suit and acted like a superhero.

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