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We were catching the trucks, getting close to the pick-up point where they were grabbing Karli and a couple of others. There were concrete barriers, and Bucky wasn't slowing down for them.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked, he didn't answer. That's not good. Him not answering me means it's not good. Screw this. I jumped off the back of the bike and caught myself in the air with my powers. It seemed to be the safest option since Bucky was heading directly for a Flag Smasher who seemed to be frozen as a madman on a bike kept accelerating towards him. Bucky was going to launch to grab the guy.

And that's exactly what he did.

He started to fight with the guy that he flew into using the momentum of the crashing bike while I kept my distance and slowly lowered myself to the ground. There had to be something better I could do than just watch...

I saw one of the Flag Smashers pouring gas onto one of the evacuation vehicles. They were trying to distract Bucky. I was not in the mood today.

I threw my hands forward and a surge of power rushed towards the Flag Smashers, pushing them all back at the same time. A few made the safe decision of getting into a vehicle and driving away, the others tried to light the other vehicle on fire. I say try, but even though I was holding all of them back I couldn't stop as one slipped through and sparked the blaze. The vehicle started burning immediately.

I pushed all of the Flag Smashers away once more and ran over to the burning vehicle, I had to get them out. I lifted my hands towards the doors. Purple light emanated around the lock the Smashers had put on the vehicle before it simply popped off of the doors. Perfect.

"Everybody out!" I shouted as I focused next on killing the flames around the vehicle. The second the vehicle was empty I turned around to look back at Bucky, who was fighting alongside Walker. I was about to join them before Bucky got hit over the edge of a construction site. I saw a couple other Smashers drop over the edge and I left Walker by himself to drop down and help Bucky.

"You good?" I asked, dropping all of my powers to look at him.

"Yeah, you?"

"Bored, actually." I replied, we stood back to back looking a the two Flag Smashers around us. "You would think that by now they would know that they need better numbers against us." I said with a smile.

"Some people never learn." Bucky responded, a playful tone to his voice. It was good to hear, that even though we were in this situation that he was still somewhat happy.

"Very true." I agreed, one of the Flag Smashers was holding a giant piece of metal as a weapon, the other had nothing. The one without a weapon seemed pretty intent on taking me on... it was the one I had stabbed in Latvia. Maybe he felt like he had something to prove. He wasn't going to be proving anything today.

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