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"Are we going to talk, or will it be awkward silence the entire way?" I asked, neither James or Sam answered for me

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"Are we going to talk, or will it be awkward silence the entire way?" I asked, neither James or Sam answered for me. But I guess the lack of an answer was an answer in itself.

I sat two seats away from James, across the plane from Sam.

I had my hair pulled back as best it could be, a long bob was hard to keep controlled at times, but a low ponytail did the job best. Except for the shorter pieces that fell around my face. I didn't mind too much, it was better than having my hair go absolutely everywhere.

My leg was bouncing with anticipation for what was to come, my hand already resting against my dagger. I had a sheath with a dagger on my left thigh and a holster with a Glock 34 on my right. My body suit was more uncomfortable than I remember it being... but that could just be because it had been months since I wore it last.

I went to the gym almost every day to pass the time, so it wasn't a weight issue... more that it was something I wasn't used to wearing anymore. The material didn't sit right, but I guess it never did. While aesthetics were important to Hydra, the focus wasn't enitrely on what I looked like as much as what I could do.

"How did you get your powers again?" Sam asked me, I took a deep breath.

"Experiments, serums, Hydra."

"That would explain strength..." Sam said, he didn't believe me.

"Fine. They had the beginnings of something in my body, I had telekinesis at that point but they wanted me to have more. I was the first they experimented on with the Mind Stone. It blew my already acceptable power out of proportion." I told him. "Once they realised what they had given me... they screwed my brain over so I couldn't use my power, and kept me on ice unless they needed me for years until Ultron."

"So you were in the same facility as the Maximoff twins..." He checked, I nodded slowly.

"One minute to drop off, Sam." I believe the kids name was Torres...

"Do we have a plan?" I asked as Sam got up from his seat and walked towards the door of the plane. He didn't give me an answer. I got up and walked over to him.

"No plan then?" James asked.

"Thirty seconds!" Torres shouted.

"Enjoy your ride, Buck." Sam said. What ride?

"What ride?" I asked, worried but then I looked out the door. We were low, too low to use a chute. Shit.

"You can't call me that." I looked at James as he spoke, a bitter disappointment sitting in my eyes.

"Why not? That's what Steve called you, and it's what she calls you." Sam pointed to me as he spoke.

"I have a name." I snapped.

"Steve knew me longer, and Steve had a plan." James responded to Sam's question.

"Bullshit, Steve never had a plan." I cut in.

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