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I turned towards the sound of my name. The title I was given.

“Please don’t call me that.” I replied, looking back to the floating city. Even after everything I had been through this was beyond anything I could have imagined.

“We’re evacuating the city, but the higher it climbs-”

“The more of the world is destroyed when it comes back down.” I cut Captain America off, he nodded.

“Could you…”

“Disintegrate the city?” I asked, he just looked me in the eyes.

“Minimise the damage... we need to minimise the damage.” He told me, I nodded slowly. We were next to the evacuation pod that would go to the helicarrier, I took a deep breath.

“Get Stark and Thor away from the city, and Wanda is still somewhere on this floating rock as well.”

“We'll get it sorted.”

“I can’t stop it all...” I told him.

“I don’t expect you to.”

“You will have to knock me out after, someone has-" I was cut off by the city immediately dropping out of the sky.

I didn’t think as I let my power overtake my body and flew through the air. I had to direct the destruction to the water, that was the best course of action. I took a deep breath and waited until the mass was under the clouds, so I could see where it would all land.

I raised my hands and felt my mind snap.

I had to keep focus, I had to keep control just until this all fell and then I could lose it. I didn’t want to but I knew I wouldn’t have a choice.

My hands filled with a purple light as the same energy filled the city, fissures split the earth and the buildings before it all shot apart. There was a wall of my power keeping the pieces from taking out the land, or as much of it as I could stop, and I was focused on splitting any larger pieces into smaller rocks. The smaller they were, the less damage they could do.

When it was over my blood was rushing through my ears, deafening me.

Rationality went out the window.

I looked up and saw the God of Thunder.

I raised my left hand and he was surrounded with purple light.

Empress ||Bucky Barnes||Where stories live. Discover now